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"Where do you think you're going, puppy?"

Y/n gasps and felt the unknown male roughly push his body into hers.

Her head spins for a second, her wolf instincts caught completely off guard for her to jerk him away.

His breath hits her left cheek like a soft touch, his leg sneaking in between her knees.

She exhale, eyes wide and unfocused as her wolf whimpers in the corner at the sudden attack.

It's when the voice of his throaty chuckle hits her eardrums is when she snaps out of her daze and her brows furrow.

She starts to wiggle her body out of his firm hold. "Let go of me."

The male clicks his tongue. "Little wolves do not talk. They whine, baby. Will you do that for me?"

Y/n scrunch her face in disgust, her hands that were pushing at his chest clinching his shirt. "You psycho. Let me go."

This cause the male to push his body even further into hers, loving the way she felt against him.

He ignore her jerking and lean in to tuck his nose into her morning bed hair.

He inhales a deep breath and tightens his hold around her waist, feeling his wolf getting excited with just the sight of her.

His close proximate cause her to flinch back, her wiggling and jerking body suddenly weakening.

"Don't." She sharply lets out, her sensing high from his alluring scent.

Of course she had to be affected.

This jerk of a male was her mate.

The one who has succeeded on taking first place in her dislike list in just few days.

She's sure if he knew that fact, he will be so proud of his achievement.

"You wouldn't been here if you have behaved. There are more than enough males in your sweet sweet home and yet you decided to roam around in just that." His hand sneak up her thigh, halting just at the edge of her black shorts.

Y/n lets out a growl. "I will wear whatever the fuck i want. You have nothing to do with what i decide."

"Oh but i do, little wolf. I'm your mate. And more than that, I'm your alpha." He possessivly wrap the hand that was playing with the edge of her shorts, around her thigh.

And Y/n flinch back.

"Jimin, No." She lets her wolf whimper out, her small fist clinching tightly around his shirt.

If this would have acquired more normally then the little devil inside her would have been jumping in joy right now, but this...

This felt so wrong.

He was howering his possession over her in such a way that it scared her to her bones.

He is her mate. He will do anything for her.

But she didn't know him well enough to know what he'll do to her.

He suddenly loosens his grip on her, as if the sound of his little mate's whine has hit his senses.

And it has.

It has hit him deep into his heart and he had immediately pulled away to examine if he was actually hurting her.

He finally gazes into her light colored eyes, the small speckles of gold that were dancing around her irises leaving him in extreme awe.

She was pretty, beautiful even.

Alpha's Little Wolf || P.JWhere stories live. Discover now