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Hoseok almost had a heart attack when Jungkook and Taehyung busted into the alpha house with Y/n and Jimin in their hold.

He and Yoongi, who was by his side, had immediately helped the lads with the two, Yoongi has helped Jungkook carry a now unconscious Jimin into the house clinic down the hall while Hoseok has run to his sisters aid, clutching her lifeless body to his chest as he bombarded Taehyung with non stop questions as to what had happened.

Taehyung has cluelessly stared back at the elder, telling him that he didn't know himself. Y/n who has laid limply in her brother's hold without a word has made a move to get down from his arms which Hoseok has not let her at first, but the male has reluctantly let her go when she has just whispered Jimin's name with blank eyes.

When in her feets, she has stumbled into the direction where Jungkook and Yoongi has went without muttering a single word and now here they all are, waiting patiently outside the room Jimin was currently getting treated by one of the professional doctor from the pack.

Namjoon and Jin has also joined them outside the room when they have heard of the unexpected scene. Some of them linger near the door while some pace back and forth, waiting for the doctor to come out with a news about their friend's health.

Y/n sits small on one of the chair placed against the wall, figure hunched and defeated. She hasn't said a single word since the beginning, just sitting, deep in her thoughts as she also waits for a news. The once soaking blood that drips from her chin has dried long, still sticking to her skin but the female doesn't seems to give it a mind, hair a bit messy as it curtains her face and thankfully, covers her tear filled eyes.

The males could feel the distress and something else that did not belong in her aura around her, her eyes stays unblinking and her fingers turns red and scratchy from where she has been abusing them with her nails. 

Hoseok frowns down upon his sister's figure before turning towards Taehyung who also seems to have his eyes trained to the woman, concern that he always hides shining within them.

"In what condition did you both find them? Did something happened between them?" Taehyung's attention averts towards the older when he question him for something again.

Taehyung might know something. Anything. The sight of his sister was eating him up alive. He wants that frown off of her face immediately.

Taehyung sighs at him. "We don't know what happened. When we got there, everything was already done."

"Hyung heard her scream." Jungkook speaks from where he stands, glancing at Taehyung before he continues. "We ran towards the voice and when we finally found them, Jimin hyung was already wounded and Y/n was the only one with him. We don't know who bit him and Y/n was in this same condition." He informs what he has seen, pointing his gaze towards the female and her bloodied jaw.

"You said she was the only one with him and she has blood on her, meaning she has bitten  someone." Yoongi confesses his opinion between the thin air. "Maybe Y/n.." He trails off when he sees Hoseok's frown has deepen even further, especially after what the male was pointing at with hidden words.

Hoseok shakes his head. "Y/n will never do something like that."

"I'm not saying she meant to bite him. Maybe they had a fight? Something must have happened between them." Yoongi clears his point.

"That's what I'm trying to say, hyung. Something else has been between them. Y/n has control over her anger, more than you think and more than she shows. She will never do something this reckless." Hoseok stands strong for his sister, knowing her really well, he knows she would never bite Jimin out of anger.

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