My Mate

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Hand in Jimin's, Y/n plays with his tiny fingers as she sits in the edge of the bed he was laying on. While Jimin stare at her little face with a small smile on his face, his head resting against the headboard.

Y/n raise her head towards him when she feels his stares. "What...?" She frowns, looking endearingly too adorable for her own good.

Jimin's smile widens at that, his crooked tooth making an appearance. He nods his head once at her. "Say it."

"Say what?" The female mumbles.

"Everything. I can see it." Jimin points out the millions of questions swirling in her eyes.

Y/n blinks a few time before suddenly scooting closer to him, hand tightening in his when she sees him grin at her eagerly jumping at his given choice. She links her eyes with his, serious. "Where were you?"

Jimin brows furrow lightly, eyes moving to wonder around the room as he thinks. "I don't know. It felt like i was lost."

"Lost?" Her head tilt to the side.

"Like i was here but still, i wasn't." He expresses.

Y/n's eyes softens at that. "That is how it felt like.."

The pain she has experience at his absence comes back to her. It's so weird how she has said the same thing.

He was here but he still wasn't.

Jimin questionably hums at her. 

Y/n bites her lips and avoids his gaze by looking down at their linked hands. It's crazy how both their hands are almost the same size. "That you were here. Yet you weren't."

Jimin fully turns soft in his place at that. He can't help but leans his head away from the headboard of the bed and bring himself closer to her. "I didn't know me being gone effected you this much."

Y/n jerks her head up at him,
bewildered. "What do you mean?" She snap at him. "Of course it effected me. You are my mate. I missed you." She huffs and puffs at his claim, mouth turning down in an angry pout.

How can he say that? She suffered so much in his absence.

Jimin stares affectionately at her, his smile soft. "You missed me.." He raise a teasing brow.

Y/n instantly backs away at that, eyes widening and cheeks turning red in embarrassment when she realize what she had said out loud.

"I am your mate.." He repeats her words, gaze intense at her.

She looks away from him. He clearly have his thoughts cleared to her. why did she even say that?

"Sorry." She whispers.

Jimin lets out a little laugh. "For what?"

"For saying that. You said you are not ready for a mate." She sulks and is glad that he can't see her. 

The smile slowly leaves his face as he remembers saying that. He remembers claiming to her that he wasn't ready for a mate and then she had so bravely and quite stubbornly if he might add had started to unclaim him. He just had to pounced on her to stop her. All of this was such a long time ago that he almost forgot.

He rests himself on his elbow and leans his head closer to hers. He nudge her crown with his nose softly. "I didn't mean that."

Y/n slowly looks up, feeling his breath fan over her cheeks. She moves her head back a bit and makes direct eye contact with him, confused at his claim.

Jimin release a breath. "Even that time, i didn't mean it. My ego was too big and i just said it."

Y/n blinks before frowning."You lied." But for some reason, she doesn't feel any anger towards him. What the fuck is happening to her?

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