Blind lies

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Y/n immediately jerk out of Jimin's grasp as the voice of her little dear devil shakes the walls of her house.

"Vi!" She shriek, staring down at her in disbelief as she looked up at her with large innocent doe eyes.

For a record, Y/n could not blame her. The little girl literally found her elder sister in the arms of the man Y/n now was officially starting to dislike.

As if heard that a new pup was born in a family, their mother and sister did not waste a minute as they came running into the living room in bewilderment and shock.

'Great! Just great!'

"What....?" Their woman trails off the moment she enters, eyes flickering from Y/n's tense figure to Jimin's grinning face while her second last daughter is too busy having that shook look on her face to say anything.

Jimin simply smirks from behind Y/n, stepping in as he place a hand in the small of her back.

Goosebumps immediately raise themselves at even his slightest touch. "Mr.Jung! We haven't really decided on saying this out loud this early, but since you have already found out" Smiling down gratefully at Vi, he continues in a soft voice. "Yes, Y/N and I are dating."

Mira's jaw drops to the ground as well as the amount of hugeness her old woman's eyes turn.

And there Y/n was, standing in the middle of all the lie and drama Jimin was showcasing like a fool.

A thrilling excitement squeal suddenly leaves Vi, her small hands turning into fists as her body litrelly oze off positive energy and response.

'Oh for God sake!'

Y/n internally roll her eyes, mouth opening to end all the blind lie Jimin was telling them, when her eyes lands on her mother.

And she stops.

Tears were welled up in her shining happiness filled eyes, her bottom lips shaking lightly and Y/n could tell she was happy.

A breath escape the female's parted lips at the sight.

Y/n have been single too long for her mother to start worrying about her. There was once even a thought that she doesn't have a mate.

Of course she had to react like this.

Y/n close her mouth, deciding to comply against the ich in her mouth.

A feeling close to mischief pass through her guts suddenly and she furrow her brows at that.

For sure she hasn't feeling like one, actually she's pissed.

Then what is this sudden unusual feeling?

Y/n direct her eyes to her so called soulmate and she frown when she spot the current shine in his eyes.


'It him.' Her mind states and she internally groan.

The stupid bond.

It's the mentioned, she knows it.

It's him who is feeling like he has every power over the situation right now and he's excited.

And because of the oh so stupid bond the Goddess has gifted her with her mate, she can feel him slowly and clearly.

And that means, he can too.

And he is taking advantages of that.

"We met a while back when Hoseok hyung came to visit over a night." He smiles softly. "Mrs. Jung! Please don't cry. I do not like seeing you like this at all."

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