It All Comes Down

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Wet lashes fluttering against each other, her eyelids stretch open. For a second, only dark consumes them, leaving her unable to see. They slowly clear up to a blur as her ears buzzed.

Her head spins a little, noices which sounded like muffled calls tapping her eardrums. For a second, she is just left standing there. She slowly comes to a realization that she can't move. Her limbs are frozen into place and just as her eyes sight fully clears, she finds out why.

She is standing inside the walls of her own home, darkness possessing the whole build. The hallway is too fimiliar to her. The one that started her own hell. There is a small figure standing before her, dressed in nothing but pure white as her big eyes stare up at her.

"Ninnie.." Her little voice echo around them without her even moving her lips to speak.

Y/n blinks a few times, confused by the scene before her. But that is until her eyes shift down the little girl's figure and her blood runs cold at the sight of red liquid coating her white gown.

It instantly takes her back in time, years ago when she was a teen and Vi was just born. A gasp leaves her parted lips as she backs away, trying to escape the horror she has hardly moved on from.

Vi's blood coated figure takes a step forward, small head titling to the side as she calls out to her older sister again.

"No.." Y/n mumbles, taking more steps back to stop the hands from pulling her back into the depths of despairs again. She doesn't want to go back where she was unable to escape for years. In some ways, she is still that stupid little teen that ruined so much in just one second.

A mistake that hunts her everyday.

"Don't go.. Please." Vi cries as her doe eyes fill up in tears. Y/n's heart squeezed into her chest. "Help me." The little girl wails as she raise both her hand.

The breath has left the older girl and she cups her mouth to stop the scream from pouring out. Her sister's hands are dripping in her own blood. "V-Vi-" She chokes, tears brimmed up her eyes. She shakes her head, not able to believe where life has brought her back to.

She spins around, ready to escape this horrifying nightmare. Unfortunately, the hands that were coming her way caught up to her and she slams into a hard chest the moment she turns.

The force whips her back so much, she falls to the ground. She yelps a cry of pain and snaps her head up towards the figure that stopped her.

Her breath hitch in her throat at the face that stares down at her. Eyes dead as ever, the man before her trial his gaze up to Vi and than back down at her.

"I can't believe you did this." He snarls at her, eyes flashing the color of moon as he stares in disgust.

"W-What..?" A drop escapes her eye as she gaps. "No no." She shakes her head rapidly, more tears falling down like waterfall over her cheeks.

"You killed her." Comes a voice from behind and upon turning to the other voice, her heart crush into pieces at the sharp eyes that glare down at her.

"Jimin." She cries out to the man standing behind Vi's figure, the one who had the softest eyes and purest adoration for her. It's like she can't recognize them at all now. They are fully red in anger and utter disgust.

"You are a murderer." The Alpha barks, her sharp canines shining the dim litted hall. It sends shivers down her spine and she slowly drags herself back in horror and fear as the man starts approaching her.

"P-Please I'm not.." She screams in agony.

"You are!" Both man snap in unison.

She is crying and screaming loudly as they continue to approach her, shaking her head and trying to escape the torture suddenly bistowed upon her.

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