The Real Truth

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Trigger content, Panic Attacks, Half Death Situation, Animal Hunting.

Buckle up my loves.
We are going down the past

Taehyung didn't like Jimin the first time he saw him.

He's always kept to himself. And he never paid enough attention to anyone to judge them. But the first time he watched Jimin walk into their shared dorm, the aura that surrounded the alpha made him step back a little.

It wasn't the scent that threw him off, no. The alpha smelled strong of sweet sandalwood. His height was a bit small and he had a smile that lightened up the whole room. But Taehyung knew there was more to him than just that.

At that time, Taehyung was in the sensitive age of seventeen. His wolf was young and a newly turned alpha. He was from the house of the rich, one of the few remaining werewolf royals that still ruled over numerous packs of wolves. He was the prideful son of the former leader, the younger brother of the crowned leader.

Kim Taehyung was a royal prince.

And as a royal with much riches, there were also consequences. One being that he was completely isolated from the warmth of a mother.

In the young years of his life, he was completely unaware of the existence of women. People say you're blessed to be born a prince of Daegu. But Taehyung will disagree. Cause if you are the prince, or even a citizen of Daegu, you are bound to be unfortunate and miserable all your life.

Cause it is the pack of men. Where only men live.

They hunt down wolves in mating seasons, and with consent, they impregnate them. After the child is born, they are to abandon and leave the she-wolf. And if seen attached, then the woman is killed that instant.

That is exactly what happened to Taehyung's mother.

And as someone who knows nothing of warmth, he can recognise the ones like him instantly.

And that is what he saw in Jimin.

And no matter how much welcoming Jimin was, Taehyung couldn't bring himself to get close to him. That time, he could hardly carry his own burden. He didn't have the strength in him to carry others.

But no matter the resistance, it didn't take much time for him to differentiate the type of person Jimin actually is. He had a good heart, he did. He would smile till his eyes, but Taehyung have also walked in on him wolfing down a prey in the middle of the forest when it is forbidden outside academy grounds. His wolf didn't stop even after it sensed Taehyung.

That night, when they came back to their dorm, Jimin has smiled the same way, like his wolf hadn't just hunted down a whole rare deer.

That is when he realised, there is more to Park Jimin than he lets on. Jimin was an enigma, puzzling and mysterious. He was kind and helpful, but he was also sharp and secretive.

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