The Woman In The Dark

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Now that I've written something scandalous and naughty, i want to keep going lmao
So this chapter also has a little bit *clearing my throat* nsfw content. Okay Bye.


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"Want that.. can i, please alpha?" She pleads, a good little omega looking up at her alpha with round doe eyes.

Jimin can practically feel the shaky breath that leaves his lips. Does she knows how she looks like right now? And what she is asking for?

He yearns for nothing but her. He wants to be close to her, closer than her own breath, and have her in every way he's been thinking of. He is barely hanging off by a thin thread at this point.

She smells just like him. Her skin is sweetened with the scent of his body bath, and her gasping breath taste like his blueberries. Pretty and prepped, she is all his to explore. She is prepared to be carried to his bed, to be naked of the soft dress he helped her put on, to squirm underneath his big bulking body as he lays his lips all over her delicate skin.

The call of his name leaving her swollen lips would be soft music to his ears.

God, he wants her so much, it's eating him alive.

But he can't have her yet. She is not his to have yet. He needs to wait more, cause she needs to know the truth. It will be her decision in the end.

If she was selfless enough to forgive his foolishness, then he will have her if she allowed it. But if she left, then he will loose her forever. He cannot take advantages of her like this. He can't put his mark on her yet, nor his hands. She needs to know the truth.

He doesn't want to selfishly bind her to himself if she doesn't want to stay with him.

Jimin nods, an endeared smile lifting his helpless figure. "You will." He can't helps but coo, softly running his hands through her hair. "You will soon, my pretty pup."

Y/n, in the haze of omega space, blinks up at him, her little body balanced by his strong arms. "N-Not now?" Her tongue still feels numb to her lips and she can hardly form words.

"Not now.." He repeats. "But soon." He reassures her. "My pup needs to get better first, hm?"

She stares up at him, her chin resting on his warm chest. Yes, she needs to be healthy again. So she can be strong like before, and then she will have all his soft strawberry milkshake pumpkin marshmallow creamy cake kisses. They are the sweetest. Her alpha. All hers.

She is instantly chirping sweetly in his chest at the thought, before hiding her fuzzy head in there. Her head vibrates with his chuckles, cause he can clearly hear her bumbly thoughts.

He has the cutest fucking mate ever. And she is asking to be devoured whole.

He leans down and hooks one arm under her bum, and easily lifts her off the floor. She curls around him like a child, her legs dangling as she pulls her arms up from his abdomen to wrap them around his shoulders.

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