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He held her close, closer to his chest, stealing her away and caging her inside his beating heart.

She whimpers, her small palms fisting his shirt around his shoulders.

She was in pain. He knew that really well cause he felt it.

Her head was resting on the side of his head, her raging breath hitting his cheeks like a soft caress.

She was sitting in his lap, his arms around her in a way that made her feel protected.

"J-Jimin.." She whines again, the beating of her each pulse screaming at him in many ways.

"It's alright, little wolf...." He rasp, coughing out the crimson liquid that has filled up his throats. "It won't hurt much. Just close you eyes. I'll protect you."

His lingering fingers gently move her hair out of the sight of her shoulder, revealing her neck and her shoulders blades.

The milky soft skin flush red at the attention given by the male and Jimin gulps at just the sight of it.

He could literally see the blood running at a rapid speed inside her and he could not help but imagine the taste.

But he was not doing this to mark her, nor was he in a love making session with her. He was doing this to save her.

Her blood has been poisoned and he have to save her. He have to gulp the blood out of her.

It wasn't long when he finally sink his sharp teeth in her skin, a whine leaves her lips just as a growl leaves his, her hot dark colored blood pouring in his mouth in a free spray.

The sweetness of her blood was taken over by the bitterness of the liquid that was killing her, but she was still there, he could smell it.

His head spins in euphoria, his throats blocking the way of gulping the blood down.

He has to spit it out.

But he can't. He don't want to.

Time passes by like a strong wind around them but to them, it was slow.

Her body has melted away in his arms, her eyes close to shutting down in drain, or maybe forever if he didn't stop.

He has already drink too much and by the way he was gulping her dry, there was no doubt that he had drunk the poisonous blood too.

"Stop...." Her last breath speaks in a mumble and like he has just woken up from a deep sleep, his mind snaps awake and he immediately pulls away.

His eyes turns wide as it all slowly hit him.

He lost control, again.

"Y/n!" Bewildered, he calls, patting her cheeks lightly to wake her up.

But to no avail, she stays silence.

Tears well up in his eyes, lips parting for a chocking breath.

"No no! Y/n! Wake up, please..please. You're safe now." Like a river, the droplets of his tears fall down his cheeks, mouth salivating as everything slowly register in his foggy head.


She's dead.

"Wake up.."

He killed her.


As if weight of a heaviest element has just been picked up from over his body, he doesn't waits a mer second to sit up.

A gasp leaves him, heavy sighs leaving his lips as sweat coated his face and body in a thin sheet.

His wavering eyes looks around and he slowly realize that he's still inside his dark room.

The first thing that alert his mind is to check on the female that has been an almost cause of his heart attack.

He skips out of his bed and soon his room with hurried steps, not even caring a slightest bit that he was only in his pants.

Racking a rough hand through his hair, he enters the hallway where her room was born.

He literally sprints towards it and rests his forehead against the door. His sense enlighten and he waits for that heart beat that is always in sync with his.

Relief is a small word to name the emotion that went through him when he finally picks up that beat, the soft melodic beat of a heart of the woman he called his mate.

Her peaceful breath instantly calm down his senses and almost sway him in a sleep with each raise of her chest.

And that is when he fully calms down.

She's safe and alive.

He almost lost control there.

He can't imagine what would have happened if all of this was to be real.

But it was all a dream, or more like a worse nightmare.

"Jimin hyung?"

He pulls his forehead away from the closed door and turns his head towards the start of the hall.

Jungkook stands there with his brows furrowed, quiet confused at the situation of finding the male, shirtless, leaning against his mate's door.

Jimin completely leans away from the door when he makes sure that Y/n's still inside and slowly walks towards the younger male.

"Is everything alright?" Jungkook questions, still blank about the situation.

"Everything is fine." Jimin nods, his eyes automatically trailing down the latter's arm till his fisted hand.

He halts a little in his steps when his gaze lends on the edge of the key that was fisted in Jungkook's palm.

"Where did you get that?" He questions, his eyes fixed on the object he has seen Y/n carrying around with her all the time.

It was the key of the room they were told sternly not to enter.

Jungkook seems to tense up at his questions. "Oh this. I found this lying around in the kitchen. I'll give it to Y/n in the morning." Telling him that, he hurriedly puts the small object inside his jeans pocket.

Jimin eyes him for a minute and finally nods, pulling his eyes away from him.

"I'll leave now. Goodnight." Jungkook smiles slightly and turns around to leave toward his room.

Jimin glance back at the room and then back to the front again.

Why are some people so full of secrets?

He sighs and starts walking towards his room.

She's safe and that is what matter right now.

He has to be careful now, even from himself.


Kekeke. Park chimchim is so sensitive. I love it.

Yesterday run episode was superior. I felt bad for the 95 liner but then at the end i did not.😅

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