Disabled Pain

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"It definitely goes way back to when we were kids."

Jimin kind of guessed this. Cause if this was something Y/n has never experienced before than she would have definitely told him. But she was used to it, so she didn't say anything. Partially because she saw the way he was struggling himself and didn't want to add more into it.

So she must have thought it was best to keep quiet.

It pains him as much as it drags him down to guilt. Was he that irresponsible and blind? The only sign she showed was her fever. He was not aware of the late night ordeals. The night he walked in the kitchen and found her sitting with Taehyung, he immediately took her to the doctor. And unlike refusing him like she has been everyone, she went with him without uttering a word.

"Y/n struggled a lot." Hoseok finally speaks. "She was always sick and..." Trailing off, the man can hardly breath at the reality he has to now explain to the others. The men wait on him to continue, no one pushing as they can tell how hard it is for him. "She couldn't walk.. She was a disabled child."

Breathing cease to silence at that.

The room is quiet of any sounds, a huge shock settles in after hearing that. They are left wide eyed at the helpless brother. 

"How...?" Jimin is shaking in his place now as he mumbles, long given up on controlling his emotions and too numb to get distracted by the others who are as stressed and shocked as him at the moment.

They would have guessed many things. But never that. Y/n who is always so filled with life, always bouncing on the tips of her toes. Can they imagine her not having that freedom? Those legs which run around the house causing mischief, there was a time where they didn't work.

She was helpless.

Hoseok release a shaky breath, the duty in him wanting to immediately lean in and support the back of his hunched alpha. "She was born with a weak body. But I guess we saw that coming.. When mother was a few months in, she was told that the baby had no heart beat and was too fragile. If she gave birth, it will wither away right before her eyes. So they adviced her to.. let it go.." His voice takes a trembling turn, not even wanting to think about a life where he didn't have his sister by his side.

The best friend she was as they grew up and the support he was on her hands as he helped her walk on her trembling feet. He can never forget that.

Y/n was such a sweet little thing back then. But now, he looks at the proud back of his sister, her morals and thoughts clear and brave, standing on steady feet, he feels like crying in joy.

"But my mother refused to listen to them. She always said she could hear the beat of her child in her stomach. She even said she can feel her move from time to time. Which used to be very weird for me. I remember her excitedly calling me over, she put my hand on her stomach and told me to feel the baby move. But I couldn't feel a thing. But she was so overjoyed that I just had to agree with her."

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