Knock Knock

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Y/n stares up at the ceiling, the light provided by the moon being the only second presence inside her room.

She felt puzzled.

What was happening?

Seven men has suddenly showed up in their house, one of them being her brother that she hasn't seen for seven years.

She was happy to see Hoseok, but the same amount of disturbance was also felt towards the other six men.

She actually felt uncomfortable in her own house.

And that was probably not because of one of them turning out to be her mate.

Not at all.

There was this weird aura around them. They all felt so unapproachable and strange.

They screamed danger and she doesn't want herself being connected with any of them.

Especially with the strange himself, Kim Taehyung.

She has only communicated with him once and her senses were instantly alarming her to stay away from him.

In many ways, he confuses her.

His lingering dark shiny gaze, his intake of deep breaths when she whips past him or the way he simply was, mysterious.

No matter how difficult Jimin was to understand or what his plans were, his motives were actually quite clear.

He wanted to bury her down, want her submitting herself to him.

But this man, he just had plans she didn't want to even know.

And for a fact, she was also aware that his plans revolved around her.

And today was just a trailer of what might happened in the future.

The sudden skinship from him scared her for a second.

It was just so fast, and that shock that went up her spine also left her speechless.

His touch distracted her so much that she didn't even finish her food and left the dinner table early.

She hated it.

She don't want him to touch her like that ever again.

A knock on her door brings her back from her train of thoughts, causing her to flinch slightly at the sudden sound.

She snaps her head towards the door and watch with confusion as it knocks again.

With furrow brows, she sits up in her bed.

"Who would be up at this time?...." She mumbles, getting down from her comfort zone and walking towards the door.

The door knocks one more time before she clicks it open, only to find no one outside.

She looks around the front before leaning her head out of the door to stare down at the dark litted hallway.

Her eyes catches the pink fabric of Vi's pajamas as the little girl turn to another hallway, leading to the living room.

Y/n completely skips her room and starts to walk after her.

"Vi!" She calls but the little girl was long gone to another hallway to listen to the elder.

Why was she knocking on her door? Let alone, why is she still up?

She turns the hallway and walk some steps before turning to the living room.

Her body immediately halts when her eyes lands on the figures that sat around the living room, seeming to be in a serious discussion.

They all turn silence and turn their head at her when the smell of her feminine scent hits their senses.

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