Broken Bonds

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Tears in the edge of falling, her numb figure stays still in her place on the chair. Her heart squeezes inside her chest, from what lays before her to what she had just ran away from.

Was she supposed to give them the time to explain? Maybe that way, she wouldn't feel so disgusted by herself.

Or maybe if she had pushed Jimin away from the wolf's attack, then he wouldn't be where he is now.

Even if she was the one laying where Jimin is, at least she won't feel what she is feeling right now. She honestly prefers the pain of being bitten and lifelessness than the reality that had hit her just half an hour ago.

Her gaze linger over his peaceful face and to the marks in his neck that are almost healed. She can't help but feel a bit proud of him for being able to heal himself so quickly even in this state.

His kind was after all gifted with great power in their muscles, loyalty and authorizing traits in their personality like no other pack.

As much as she thinks about this, she can't help but think how much she misses him. His stupid snarky remarks and sarcastic comments towards her, the shining mischief in his stupidly beautiful eyes to his dominating personality.

Damn him. Damn this bitch!

Just as stubborn as him, she tries her best to blink her tears away but they disobey her by falling freely down her cheeks.

If he was awake and up in his two legs, he would have run up to her with concern lighting his eyes, wanting to know why she had allowed these tears to fall and he would demanded an answer out of her like he usually did. After that, he would bring her in a warm hug of his arms and calm her rapidly beating heart. And after all that, he would do something stupid again that would make her shake her head at him repeatedly.

This man was a puzzle she could not solve. But she would love..

"You look so peaceful.." Breathless words escape the silent room, she sniffs, whipping her tears away with the back of her hand.

"Jimin." She speaks again but no answer reply her back.

More salty liquid fall down her cheeks, throats squeezing against each other. "Jimin-ah.." She whines, a sob escaping the barrier of her lips right after.

Anything. Anything that can wake him up.

She brings the back of her hand over her mouth, eyes falling shut tightly as she sobs softly, not wanting any of the boys to hear her from outside.

She sits their for who knows how long, whimpering and crying behind her hand as her other tightens around the arm of the chair, knuckles turning white from the pain she felt physically and mentally.

Who knew she would fall apart this quickly. She was supposed to be a strong character.

She inhales, trying to calm down. She needs to stop herself, or else she would break down even further, and that won't just effect the four walls of this room but it would effect the whole pack, the boys and her.. brother.

"I-" She's stopped with another sob. "Jimin, i-i need to tell you something.."

The man mentioned lays emotionless in his bed and she looks away, not bearing the sight before her blurred vision.

"I did s-something horrible.. and i need to tell you w-what i did." She sniffs. "I can't take this anymore. I need to tell someone.. a-anyone or-" Her wavering voice chokes but that doesn't stops her from speaking further.

"You're going to h-hate me for it, but i will d-die if i don't let this out of my chest." Her head hung low, body shaking from the force of her emotions.

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