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"Is she done yet?"

Mira flinches at the sound of Y/n's voice creeping up behind her and quickly turns to shoot her a disoriented look, her chest heaving in pants as she smacks a palm to her racing heart.

"Don't scare me like that!" She screeches and once she's caught the tail of her escaping breaths, she hollers towards that specific rigid door and opens it.

Well, she tries.

The door just wouldn't budge no matter how many times she's tried jerking it, so Y/n guesses that the younger has locked herself in.

Mira clicks her tongue in annoyance, mumbling some incoherent words and lets go of the handle.

The blank look on her face when she turns to face her elder sister makes Y/n to hold back a grin, knowing for a fact that Mira just mentally noted to never piss the baby of the family ever again.

Y/n wonders what it was about this time. As if already excepting her to pop out the question, Mira pulls her hand up in a halt and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Don't even ask." She sighs out frustratedly and walks off, her figure soon disappearing at the end of the corner.

Y/n's lips stay clamped when the second youngest is finally out of view and after a few minutes or so, she shakes away from her trance and neared closer to the door.

"Vi." Still in faze by her previous state, Y/n slowly lift her knuckles up to knock softly against the mahogany, her sensitive wolf ears' picking up the shuffling coming from the inside.

Then it stops.

"Vi, it's Y/n. You need to come downstairs. Your friends are already here." She add.

Y/n holds back a smile when the door swings wide open revealing the birthday girl herself clad in a cute, puffy, pink gown. Her dark hair's all tied up in adorable pigtails with visible shimmer of diamond-like pins tucked to keep her hair in place.

The elder hums in approval at her frame before crouching down to lift the 5 year old girl in her arms.

With the both of the sisters heading downstairs where the party's at, Vi goes on and on about how Mira unnie being a meanie when she confiscated her pink ipod.

Of course, Y/n can't help but chuckle at her use of big word.

However, she also can't help but wonder why the two don't get along sometimes.

Y/n sighs.

She'll probably never understand. Fifteen years gap sure is a really long time compared to a ten year gap.

But what's much worse is that she'd sometimes find herself stuck in the middle whenever the two engage into an unnecessary quarrel over a tiny misunderstanding.

One expects her to take their side, while the other individual practically forces her to agree with whatever their story is, with a threat.

At times like this, Y/n could only dread being the third born in the family while also wishing the presence of her oh-so-dear brother.

At least he knew how to keep the house sane from any sort of bicker created by the two.

Vi's still in her arms as she make her way towards the back door, where the event's taking place, when Mira suddenly decides to mind-link her.

"Guess what."


"He's back and he's bringing a bunch of friends along with him." Y/n ponder momentarily, wondering just who on earth was she talking about.

"I miss oppa." Vi mumbles with a pout and that's when it hits her like lightning.

Y/n shudder slightly at the soothing night breeze grazing her skin as she step out of the house, Vi's friends running their way the second they spotted the two of them.

"Hi, Unnie!" They cheer and Y/n acknowledge their cute presence with a smile, crouching down to allow Vi to stand on her own before fixing her posture.

"Go have fun. Unnie will be in the kitchen if you need her, okey?"

The five year old girl nods vigorously before sprinting away with her friends towards the balloon filled platform.

"To our close relatives, friends, and of course." The mother of the three starts out with a mic in her hand. "Vi's precious friends." That earned her a wave from the front row- where all the kids were situated.

Then she takes a glance behind towards Vi sitting on a little throne at the stage, before looking back at the crowd.

"Thank you all so much for taking your time to come and celebrate our youngest daughter's fifth birthday. We hope this won't be the last time. Again. Thank you and we hope you enjoy." After that, the DJ hits the button and soon enough, the place's bouncing with cute kiddy songs, and the adults can only watch with happiness filling their eyes when spotting their children having fun.


"I'm home!" Y/n and Mira Momentarily freeze at the voice, water running from the sink being the only sound rushing the wind until Mira decides to snap out of her daze first and off the faucet.

Y/n place the knife down, leaving a half minced onion on the counter to go inspect the familiar voice.

With reluctant steps, she opens the kitchen door only to gasp in surprise when a tall figure comes lunging in to attack her in a hug.

She knows him.

"Hobi, put me down!" The female screech at the man who carries her all the way from the kitchen to the living room only to twirl around with her still in his grasp.

"Aww~ why~" He whines like a five year old child but puts her down nonetheless.

Mira comes barging in into the space and immediately pounces at the eldest, tackling him to ground while Y/n's still trying to catch her balance from all the twirling.

"Mira sto- no! not the ear- ouch!"

"Seven years, you idiot. You haven't called us for seven years and you still have the guts to show yourself!" Mira spats and Y/n reluctantly help her off her elder brother.

Hoseok rubs the back of his ear as if trying to ease the pain, and a pout forms on his lips.

"They don't allow phones at Alpha Academy. "He mumbles." Didn't dad tell you that?" Hoseok's arm grasps Y/n own to help him stand up.

Y/n's about to assure him that her parents did tell them all about that, but then he decides to screech horridly with his wide eyes glued to her chest.

"You got boobs now!?"


This chapter is of 1086 words. Wow laiki! I'm proud.

The first chapter is up! It's the same as you'll remember it to be but only the brother character has been delivered to jung hoseok.

Leave some love in your way, please.


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