Moon Luna

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Y/n is sneaking around the kitchen, slow in her shaky legs, careful to not get caught by her mate, yet again

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Y/n is sneaking around the kitchen, slow in her shaky legs, careful to not get caught by her mate, yet again. She's been awake for a whole week now, and Jimin has instructed her strictly to stay in bed and not take a step outside the nursing room.

Y/n, who grew up with her legs disabled and not walking for years of her childhood, she needs to get up and walk. Actually, she wants to run and skip around the whole day. But she has a mate, and that mate is Park Jimin.

The forever concerned and distressed man who gets scared at just the sight of a small wound in her hand. So to keep him grounded of worries, she stayed put. Well... she tried to.

Now, seven days in a row, she has to stay in a room that smells strong of medicine and Lucas's mana. Yes, she met him and she still don't know how to feel about the straightforward man. Not that it matters to him, cause he looks to be aware of it and it seems to make him more cocky.

However, he helped her a lot in her recovery, and practically saved her life so she is thankful. She is not ready to die and leave Jimin. She wants to spend her whole life with him.

Jungkook have also been a great support in her recovery. He is with her when Jimin leaves for his duties. She always huffs and pouts at him, guilt tripping him into staying, sometimes it works, most of the times, her brother is there to take him away before she can succeed on luring him with those big doe eyes.

When that happens, Jungkook is there to comfort her while wiping her tears cause she practically starts to whine at her mate's absence. She has become quite needy.

Jungkook cheers her up and sometimes, pumps her into an unexpected adventure. But somehow when they are about to succeed on sneaking out, the other boys always seem to catch them.

It is like they know she will sneak out with Jungkook. What she doesn't know is that after the accident, when they found out so much was happening to her under one roof while they were unaware of it. They started keeping their ears up for any moment around the house, always making sure they hear her heart beating and soft breathes all day and night, especially when she is sleeping.

Sometimes when Jimin visits her after coming back from his duties at night, he doesn't leave the room till the morning has come. He just stares at her, taking in her peaceful face and counting her breath.

They all seem to have a scheduled patrol. All have different timing set to keep an eye and ear out for her, their wolves always alert to protect their Luna.

So right now, peeking into the kitchen through the counter, the boys are aware of her presence. Yet they let her peek. Jimin perked up the moment he picked up her scent a few minutes ago.

She thinks she is being sneaky. Little pup is unaware that the sweet of her skin can be smelt from miles away.

Y/n reads the room from where she stands. Everyone but Jungkook and Taehyung is there. They might be still out getting Jungkook's arm tattooed. He told her last night that today was the final completion of his tattooed arm.

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