Saved Or Killed?

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Night terrors and lotta blood out there


Small feet pitter patter the creaking wood as the teen walk up the stairs. The lights of the hallway flick open automatically while she gently bounce the fetus in her hold. Her little sister is cradled to her chest as she babbles away to the world.

The girl grins, nose scrunching at the cuteness of her sister. "Baby Violet is such a babbling wolf." She coos to the child in her hold.

Violet look up at her, galaxies sparkling within those big doey eyes. Her lips pout, as if she understood the words her sister just said. But her two year old mind only attracts the dangling shiny key on the necklace on her older sister neck.

The girl opens the door on the further corner of the hall and walks inside the room. "You sit here in your room, Vi. Y/nie will be back with your bottle in a minute, alright. Don't move."

Putting down Vi on the carpet covered floor, Y/n straightens her back and smiles brightly at her baby sister. The little girl only looks up at her with innocent eyes, two small ponnies sprouting the top of her head.

It makes Y/n squeal in adoration and lean down for the last time to place a few smacking kisses on her chubby red cheeks. Once satisfied, she stands up again and nods at the child who still stares up at her.

Y/n walk backwards, gaze set on her adorable baby sister and only turns around when she reaches the door of Vi's room. Checking on her for the last time, Y/n dash towards the stairs to quickly get the milk bottle she prepared for her sister.

However, the door that she left open in fear of locking her baby sister in her own room doesn't cease the sound of horror that hits her eardrums the next moment.

The sound of an object falling, something woody and big halts her right in her steps. Body going rigid and tense, Y/n is frozen in her place.

Before the situation finally sets in. Something just fell and the sound came from Vi's room.

Slowly and hesitantly, she turns around. Her gaze set on the open door where she no longer hears the babbling of her little sister. Goosebumps raise all over her body and with a rapid beating heart, Y/n starts to walk back towards the room.

She doesn't realize the shake of her body and the limping of her feet. She doesn't mind the spinning of her head. Her heart sits in her throat, scared and horrified at what she might see.

Reaching the door, she slowly peaks, gulping as her eyes well up in tears. She finally looks inside and a scream escape the barrier of her lips the moment her eyes fall on the horror before her.

Her body jerks forward and up the bed, loud gasps leaving her parched throat as waves of tears fall down her face.

She immediately looks around and finds herself in Jimin's room. Even the calming scent of barries and the protection barrier of his spell cannot keep out the devil.

Instead of smelling like the sweet fruits that is Jimin, his room now reaks of blood and rotten meat. Y/n cowers in on herself, shaking in fear as her nightmare comes tumbling back with the same image that have hunted her for years.

She holds in a scream by slapping her hand over her mouth but when the smell of blood increase over her nose tenfolds, she is forced to pull her hand back.

The room is dark, but it has enough light for her to see. And that she sees.

Hands covered in blood. She gasps loudly, eyes trailing the blood that drips from all over her arm. Her eyes follow the trial and they land on the hoodie she wears. It is Jimin's white hoodie but it is no longer white.

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