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His heart felt sad, even empty as he gaze out at the many residence of his pack.

He sat on top of the roof on his house, sight clear over many residences as the night frown down at him.

Wind blew past in between his hair and his figure, trying the slightest bit to calm his heart down but he still felt a hurricane inside him.

His father laid in his room, inhaling his last breaths and Jimin could not do anything to save him.

The locals has wounded his father so much as if they were just waiting around the corner to take all their welled up anger at him.


He felt lonely and his heart could only call for the only female that will calm him down.

He knew he has triggered her many times and at this moment, she probably hate him more than anything.

But he trusted his bond enough to know that if she knew, if she felt his frowning heart, she will come for him. He knew that she will be by his side and try comforting him over his soon loss.

He knew in many ways that he did not deserve her and she was truly not to be his from the beginning of all this. But he was selfish.

He needs her. He wants her as much as the seething and angry animal inside him.

The same animal that once stood on his paws proudly with his back straight and ruling, but now, it has trailed back, turned small in a ball of fur as it whimpers for his father.

It's just waiting for the familiar feminine ember clad wolf to come and nudge him awake with her snout. The one that left him breathless when he gazed at her for the first time.

The day she first met him and the day she ran away to the woods to escape him, but failed.

A first glance at her shining soft fur and he knew all that was his. The curves of her body to the defined shape of her hip and legs, the shine of her wolf's ocean eyes to the small masculinity of her figure, all of it was his.

He was this close to taking her right there and then. He was close to pounce at her and mark her his right in between all those trees and bushes.

But he held back and instead focused on brushing his scent over her, to let everyone know that she was taken, to all the wolves and human and to a certain someone that she was his.

The more he stayed close and the more he grew fond of her. In all that haste, he was forgetting his plan, the reason he was there in the first place.

And he's afraid if he got even a little bit more close, he will completely forget his once strong mission.

But even if he's aware of that, his heart still calls for closure at this moment.


"Hoseok, you are asked to show your presence in the Norway. Jimin needs you there." Mrs. Jung informs the order from the letter written by her husband.

Everyone crowded the living room, the six males sat on the couches while Y/n stood at the side, Mira fidgeting next to her.

Hoseok jaw clinch and if it were to be a normal situation he would have scoffed at the words of Jimin needing him.

But at the moment, even the male has grown soft, knowing really well how much Jimin held his father precious to his chest.

Hoseok was Jimin's beta and no matter what rank, he knew it was his duty to go tend to his alpha.

So like a responsible male, Hoseok nods, face void of any emotion.

"Great. The boys will leave soon tonight to the pack. Y/n, will you please help them pack up?" Mrs. Jung turn to her elder daughter, eyes softening immediately at the small figure of the mentioned female.

The female blinks slowly, mind slow as she picks up the words of her mother. "Mama... i.." Her voice was hoarse, clear that she hasn't talked much.

She has turned quite since the day Jimin left to his pack three days ago. Dark circles round her eyes and her mind was not concentrating on anything.

It was clear that she was worried about her mate. Everyone could tell.

Her heart clinched in pain and concern and it was not hard to detect.

For the first time, she felt like an open book and everyone could read her.

How he has been doing? If he's alright?

Many questions but no one to answer. Or maybe the reason she couldn't find any answer is because she refused to speak up.

But even then, Jin has tried to comfort her, feeling each of her hesitation and concern. Even that has not wipe away her worries. The only fact she has picked up from his words is that Jimin is strong and that he's used to being alone.

Y/n knew that Jimin was strong, physically and mentally, but she didn't know that he was lonely.

That fact has made it worse for her. Her heart would clinch in pain each time she remembers that.

'Don't worry. Jimin will get over it soon. He's used to being alone.'

Jin's words pierce through her every time she remembers them. And her mind could not help but take her back to the time where he had appeared on Vi's door that night, looking like a mess with red eyes.

He was worried about her. He was scared that he will loose even his mate.

"I want to go too." She finally speaks up, words sounding decided than a permission.

Her mother purse her lips. "Are you sure about that, sweety? This might not be the time."

"It is the right time... He needs me." Y/n's shoulders drops and she whispers. "I can feel it."


Welp. This is a sad chapter. I'm sorry for the sudden angst. Maybe my mood revolves around my chapters theme😅😅

I used to love winters but now i want it gone. Its giving me a foreign feeling i hate and it has been so quite and boring.

How are your winter days going? Tell me so i can cheer up a little.

Leave many love in your way.


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