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"Stay safe."

Y/n racks a hand through her hair, figure located in the middle of the forest with the other six males.

They were away from home now but hasn't started their way to Jimin's pack yet. And it was too far away.

For all Jin has informed her, it will take a whole 24 hours to get there and that is, if they take a short cut through the forest and Jungles.

They all had come to a stop in the middle of the forest cause it was time for them to transform and take their lead towards the mountains in their wolf forms.

The males has settled all the bag containing cloths and food on their backs. Making sure to keep a shirt knotted to their arm to change into when they transform back to their human form.

Not long, Y/n watch as they slowly bend down, bones cracking and wrenching as hair grew out of their skin.

Canines sharper than a knife, they soon hunched on their four paws. Their figures were larger than even her human body standing.

Gorgeous colors of fur swayed lightly in the air as they all stood proudly like their positions, like an alpha and a beta.

Her eyes first landed on Jungkook's wolf, temptation can't be resist at his figure.

Big and dark as a night sky, his wolf fur was black and anyone from a mile away could tell that he was soon to be a powerful and ruling alpha of his pack.

Then to Taehyung and her lips part in extreme awe at the sight of his shiny and fluffy light grey fur. He was the same height as Jungkook and Jimin. The color of his fur was a light shade darker than Jimin's white fur and as long as she kept looking, his wolf reminded her more of Jimin's.

It's as if they were the same person with the same wolf. Same strangeness and same attraction.

Her eyes then landed on Namjoon's and Jin's wolf and a gasp almost left her lips when she found Namjoon wolf bigger than any of the guys.

Jin looked small and even fragile next to him, the elder's fur being a tawny brown compared to the youngest of the elder line who's fur was a born blue.

And then lastly to her brother and Yoongi. Hoseok's wolf was a gold color that followed the line of their family inheritance, many shades darker than her own light amber colored fur. And then there was Yoongi, his fur was a beautiful grey color and his giant figure proudly stood on both his front paws.

So lost at finally getting to witness their wolves, she blinks out of daze when she found all of them staring back at her, expecting her to go on with her own transformation as well.

She purse her lips at them before turning towards the deep forest and walking in the walls of long trees without a single hesitation.

The males wait, confused as to why she didn't transform in front of them but instantly picked up the reason when Hoseok walked a little bit closer to the forest to cover any sight of his sister's body as she transformed.

Soon enough, crackling of bones and a low growl diffused into the thin air of the night wind. It continued for a bit as her bones changed it shaped into a crouched animal and then stopped at all force.

Seconds ticked and when they thought that something was wrong, a figure of a wolf came flying out of the bushes.

She landed on her four paws as wind sways in between her amber fur. Her bones curled and shaped delicately stands out the fact she was a female wolf.

Her figure was small, smaller than all of them but bigger than an ordinary werewolf female, indicating that she was indeed from one of the rarest and strongest breed alive.

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