Alpha's Shield

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"Little wolf.."

She turns her head to the side, eyes landing on the man who lingers at the kitchen door. Her eyes meet his and naturally a warm line of red string attaches itself to the pair. Taehyung witnessing this leans back in his chair away from her personal space, eyes running over the red thin line of fate.

"Jimin." Y/n mumbles, slowly standing up from her place as the warmth of her mate calls her. She wants to run to his arms and cries out, complaining about the things that are bothering her and let her alpha deal with the crimson nightmare that lingers in her room.

She walks to him, doe eyes staring into his. His gaze is unreadable, so many emotions flicking past so rapidly that she has trouble putting her finger on them. His irises shake as he looks down at her innocent face before they shift over to Taehyung's behind her.

His friend's gifted features are lined with exhaustion and that is enough to make him frown. Little lights of doubt over what was happening here before he came long gone, his guts twist at the condition of his loved one’s before him.

"Are you alright?" He looks down at her again and she nods in reply. But he finally notices the numbness she bears. The front of her shirt is carrying fading wet patches of water and her hair is also wet. Her skin looks paler than yesterday and her eyes are lining more prominent red.

His eyes round in horror. "Look at you, Y/n." His words line with bewildered concern. "You're going to get more sick."

His mate is never this irresponsible of her health. It's time he takes the matter into his own hands. She needs him right now, even if she doesn't say it, she’s as stubborn as always yet he will do anything to make her feel better.

"You're coming with me, Y/n. We're going to take you down the clinic." His words are firm yet still soft when he orders.

Y/n's mouth parts, ready to complain but one narrow of his strict eyes had her trailing off. She pouts and he wraps his arms around her neck to start leading her outside the kitchen.

But before he moves, he passes one last glance behind him at his friend. Taehyung is already starting back and with just one nod of content from him, Jimin sighs in relief before turning around and leading the little female out of the room.

The sun still hides behind the mountains so everyone is still asleep but he thanks the goddess above when he finds a few nurses still lingering around the clinic, no doubt readying for the day ahead.

They immediately straighten at his presence and offer to wake the doctor. Jimin is about to nod but is interrupted by his too soft of a heart mate.

"Don't wake him. You check me. It's not that big of a deal."

And a big of a deal it was. The nurse, also a doctor in training immediately frowns upon checking her up. "My luna, you are in immediate need of a proper rest. You have been dragging your body for a few long days without sleep and it is going to turn far more worse if you continue."

Y/n only stares into the thin air blankly and Jimin speaks up from where he is resting his back against the table. "She also has a headache." He watches as she turns to meet his eyes. He no doubt has felt her pain.

And yes, her head feels like it will explode from the constant pain. Her throat is closing in and out on itself and stings like dried thorns when she gulps or speaks. It must be because of the cold sweat.

Alpha's Little Wolf || P.JWhere stories live. Discover now