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Y/n can't stand the rapid growth of tension building in between all of them. Even from the corner of her eyes underneath the translucent moon, she's able to spot the anticipation of what'll happen next reflecting from their eyes. 

So the only clear choice she's able to come up with in a heated situation such as this. 

Is to run.

With no words whatsoever, she quickly turn on her heel and and start sprinting out of the group. Her wolf pounces up almost instantly at her action, angrily growling at her from the inside of her head.

No doubt was she disliking her for abandoning her mates. 

'Go back!'She says, and Y/n wince at her obnoxious bark before deciding it'd be best to tune her off momentarily. 

Even from a few feet away, she can still feel his eyes burning holes at her figure as she try to slip her way through some of the guests, at the same time making sure to not bump to one. 

This probably wasn't a good idea. 

After what seemed like forever, a sigh of relief escapes the caves of her mouth when she finally reached the safe tunnel of her house, her back pressed against the hard mahogany of the door. 

Definitely not a good idea. 

There's a moment of silence where her breathes' the only sound echoing the empty space, her chest heaving slightly from all that running. Once she has caught up with her breathing, a little flashback starts playing and she recalls what had just happened. 

Then, she groan.

She has completely made a fool right out of herself. In front of her siblings, her brother's friends, and most especially her.... her mate. 

Y/n grimace, but she know exactly why she did it. 

She's still not ready.

The last thing she wants in this world is knowing she'll get stuck with the same person forever. She's twenty for goodness sake and her desire to view life in a different perspective's much stronger than a pack of well-trained wolves getting ready for battle. 

She wants to experience what its like living a life of freedom and on her own. She's not ready for the commitment, the relationship too and the obligation that comes along with it, at least not yet. 

Wait. No! 

She doesn't want this one bit. She wants out.

Out of this mate-bond that's slowly forming in her, away from him and everything that comes with him.

Sighing, she's then pulled out from her little trance when she feel the handle beside she arm shift. With narrowed eyes, she move her attention to the side. 

That familiar scent of blueberry decides to attack her senses again, and she unconsciously shudder at the sensation it was giving her.

"I know you're in there, little wolf." Then the door creaks open. 

Well crap.

She forgot to lock it. If she had any alternate way of escaping this fate, then she's willing to accept it with open arms. 

She bite her lips hard. 

The door slowly starts to open, and he's on the other side. With panic rushing her system, accompanied by the immense beating of her heart. In one swift motion, she collect herself and immediately turn to apply pressure against the door. 

Basically slamming it shut again on his face and she hears him curse something under his breath. "Don't make me repeat this twice. Open the door. Now!" 

Y/n gulp.

'Stupid and selfish.'

She knows she is that.

Behind that mild deep growl, lies a sea of impatient creatures that's ready to devour anything in its path if not given what it wanted. 

He almost sounds pissed. 

Wait! Who are you kidding? He sounds freaking furious! 

When Y/n don't say anything, or do anything. He grabs a hold of the handle again and starts to push. No doubt would he easily empower her figure, and she honestly expected it. Her mind begins to fumble with a bunch of different escape options when she feel her feet starting to graze backwards. 

A light bulb pops.

The front door.

Y/n can run to the front door, shift and disappear into the near by forest.

That'll work. 

She'll be back when they leave. Of course she can't leave her family.

Taking in a deep breath, she gives herself a good three seconds before quickly releasing the handle to sprint towards her escape.

The door then flys open revealing the man himself and his eyes go wide when her figure starts to disappear in the corner. 

A cold chill ripples down her back at the sound of him growling, his heavy footsteps soon ringing her ears and she force herself to quicken her tempo. 

He's definitely beyond furious right now. I mean who wouldn't? What wolf in their right mind would just run away the second they've found their mate? 

Its crazy, but at the same time, judging by her current situation, she can consider herself one of those crazy wolfs.

She knew this is the stupidest thing she has done in her life and she would love to stop and explain all the matter to him like a normal human.

But at the stupid run she did back there, she's confirmed that he'll probably won't let her go after that.

Once reaching the front door, she quickly swing it open and practically hop out from the porch, not caring if her clothes rip into pieces when she start to shift. 

The man's getting closer and we all know that she don't even want him anywhere near her. A few cracks fills the whistling air when she start transforming. 

It takes about a minute for her amber fur to emerge, its follicles shimmering underneath the hues of the bright moon, and soon enough, she land hard on four paws. 

Y/n push away her wolf who's struggling to take over, but she accomplish that with ease before taking her leave to hide away from the man running up behind her. 

He's fast, even in his human form. 

Adrenaline rushes her system when she speed towards the forest, trees hovering her wolf form as she zap away in this cold breezy night.

Just when she thought she has already lost him, she pick up the sound of his running footsteps. 

Her wolf whimpers and she can't help feel the guilt forming in the pit of her stomach at the sound that rumbles out of him. 

Her fur stands straight, chills slithering her spine when she hear the sad howl piercing its way through her surroundings. 

He's transformed and now's expressing what he feels. There's a cry of desperation in his voice, a longing of want taking over its every melody. 

It was her turn to whimper now at the thought, but she doesn't stop at all. 


She only quicken her pace with much determination flashing her eyes.


Cause she won't allow a little guilt to come change her mind.


I am fast, i won't deny that at all!

Truth to be told, when @LaikaTaehyung gave this to me, she already had written six chapter and i'm only editing them before publishing.

She's cruel though! why would she do this Park Chimchim? TT

leave some love in your way.

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