White Snow

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When Y/n wakes up from the peaceful slumber her mate tucked her into, the sun has already started to dip towards the other side of the world, leaving the sky shy with shades of oranges and yellows

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When Y/n wakes up from the peaceful slumber her mate tucked her into, the sun has already started to dip towards the other side of the world, leaving the sky shy with shades of oranges and yellows.

She stretches into the soft pillows of Jimin's bed, his blueberry fluffing out around her and falling deeper into her skin. She blinks her sleepy eyes, body finally feeling well rested.

She still has yet to heal. The damage this time is not just physical. It has also disturbed her mentally. The trauma and the horror of that night still flashes behind her eyes when she blinks. And if it's effecting her brain, it means it's effecting her omega too.

And like before, when she was small and disabled, her and her wolf managed to push through it all and was able to stand on their feet. This time however, there are bad memories of her childhood and the things that happened when she was a teen, they all are coming back to her and continuously haunting her.

It upset her, cause she barely managed to escape the chains of restricted mobility, but she is back to where she started. She can no longer jump around like she used to.

It's not that she likes to work, it's just she still finds it fascinating how she can move around now. She has spent ten years of her life in a wheelchair or in her bed, she never took one step outside. But now, she is so grateful for what she has, that she wants to enjoy it as much as possible or she fears they will be taken from her again.

She's so lost in her thoughts that she flinches back to reality when a voice as close to a soft rumbling growl comes from the side. She shakes her worries that plague her mind, and turns her head towards the right where the voice came from.

She is met with a pair of red litted, coal like eyes. And she should tense up, cause she also has eyes the same colour of crimson ruthlessness. But these ones calms her onto the soft mattress the moment she lays hers on them.

It's her alpha.

Fur as white as the first fall of pure snow, the big wolf rests his face on top of the fluffy bed, the rest of his body taking over almost half of the room's space.

He watches her with a studious gaze, his rumbling growl no doubt came from her thoughts he could so easily read. She blinks, the sight of him so magnificent that she just ends up staring at him for a good few minutes. It takes her back to the first time she and Jimin met, where she very foolishly decided to run for him and he shifted to his wolf form to chase her.

That time, she had turned her head and it had stopped her dead in her track at the sight of his wolf. He was even more beautiful under the moonlight that it had taken her breath away, and she still thinks she is unable to breath because of him.

She slowly gets up on her elbow, soft hair a fluffy mess while gentle creases lines her puffy cheeks caused by the pillows. She slept well it seems. This sighs of her makes the wolf huff out a sweet coo, his omega so small and pretty after her well deserved rest.

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