Just Stay

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"Is everything alright?" Hoseok stare down at the crown of Y/n's head, gaze shining in concern as his arms go around her shoulders to hold her close to him.

"N-no.." Y/n tries her best to hide her wavering voice and bury her face further into her brother's warm chest. "Just stay."

Hoseok tightens the cage of his arms and pass a worried glance towards Namjoon who looked as much puzzled and concerned at the situation.

Y/n in the other hand tries best to control the tears that are stinging her eyes. She doesn't wish to go through all the waterwork she has done last night. No one knew what was happening last night, not even Jimin since she has muted him out of her head, meaning his wolf couldn't feel the pain of his mate.

If he did, he would have run to her room.

She takes a deep breath of her brother's softening scent and her nerves slightly calm down, enough for her to grab a hold of her sanity and pull away from him.

Her gaze trial up at his face and she thanks the goddess above about her eyes not being as red and swollen as they were the early morning. A smile was also not hard to crack on her lips at the sight of her older brother's shining eyes.

"Morning." She softly inhales.

Namjoon's mouth turn upside down as he manage to easily read the lines of her face, while Hoseok just stays still, wanting to know the reason of his sister's distress.

Y/n was never the one to openly express her feelings. She preferred to stay quite and figure her problems out herself. As much as she was a soft female at heart, she didn't like them comforting her.

But when she does shows emotions, then that probably meant that it is something extremely concerning that is eating her away. And at these moment, she is the same little puppy she was when she was a little child and needed nothing but mental support.

At this moment, she wanted nothing but for Hoseok and her to be alone so she could pour her heart out to him. Namjoon was a sweetheart, really. The male probably donated his savings in the free time where he didn't have his adorable nose down a book.

But still, at this moment, she didn't want to show the vulnerable side of her to anyone. Her father was also blind by this side of her as she always run to her mother and cry in her warm arms at nights and she refuse to show it to even her ego filled mate who thought of himself as more than he already was at these moments.

"You look pale.. Did something happened?" Namjoon furrow his brows, staring down at the female who looked no way closer to her usual settled self.

Her eyes turn to him. "I'm alright. Just couldn't get much sleep. You know how the first night gets in a foreign place." Her words were softer than usual, form looking rather hunched than straight.

Hoseok only nods, lips parted as he tried his hardest to figure out the stress that was slowly eating her over. However, he comes back empty handed when all he reads from her face is fatigue and half vacant smiles.

"Where were you both last night?" She speaks, head tilting to the side slightly.

Hoseok hides his scowl and answers anyways, no matter how much he wanted to question her condition. "I was with Namjoon. He was showing me around the pack."

Her lips part as she direct her eyes towards the mentioned male again. "You've been here before?"

Namjoon smiles small. "I grew up here. My father is the beta of Mr. Park."

Y/n almost flinch at the mention of the current Alpha and dwells herself to nods instead at the new information she has just found out.

Namjoon father was Jimin's father's beta, so that means Jimin and Namjoon grew up together. But how come she has never seen them interacting much? As much as she has noticed, Namjoon is rather on Yoongi's side or Jin's and Jimin always stays on Jungkook's side and Taehyung's, even though there was many tension between the two same agers.

She nods in wonder. "It must feel good to be back home.."

Namjoon thins his lips but nods back anyways. He seems to be in a daze.


The called female turn her head over her shoulder at the yell of her name and saw as a grinning Jungkook hop up at her, arm waving excitedly in the air as his long legs sprint her way.

Taehyung was right behind him, hands stuffed in his pockets as he stride behind the hyper bunny in a rather elegant way.

Jungkook comes to a halt in front of her, feets bouncing in the ground as he sang again. "Y/n~~"

The female can't help but widen her smile. "Well aren't you excited."

The male has his face leveled with hers as he nods rapidly. "I am." With that, his arms comes to wrap around her waist and he pulls his into his chest.

Y/n gulps down the lump that instantly forms in her throats and her hand comes to pet the buffy boy in the back. She knew he was doing all of this to cheer her up, cause of when he saw her last night, vulnerable to her finest.

His act is highly appreciated cause she was indeed looking for the smallest of warmth that was provided to her.

His pulls away enough to see her face as his hands squeeze her sides. "So, are you ready to go?"

"Oh Jungkook.." The female sighs and the little one's smile instantly drops. "I would love to, but Jimin.."

Realization spread in his face and he shakes his head. "Don't worry about him. He is also coming with us." He informs and moves away from her front to look back to where Taehyung was standing a bit away from them.

Y/n's eyes lands on her mate and she can't help but notice how small he looked. He stood next to Taehyung, figure hunched as he pass her a small smile.

Y/n could see the hopeful look in his eyes that she would return his gesture and that she wasn't mad at him about yesterday. The female's eyes softens and she nods his way in aknowlegment.

He didn't have to feel guilty. After all, she never accused him of what his father did last night.

"I see you guys have plans." Hoseok finally speaks from behind her and they turn their attention to him.

"You want to tag along?" Jungkook looks from Namjoon to Hoseok as he asks.

Both males shake their heads. "You all go. We have some matters to look into. Besides, Jimin needs some time off." Namjoon glance at Jimin as he speaks.

"Have fun." Hoseok smiles down at his sister, patting her cheek. Y/n nods and Hoseok then turn to Jungkook, his expressions turning serious.

"Jungkook, take care of my sister." He only stares at the younger, before turning around and leaving with Namjoon.

He didn't even bothered saying those words to the one he actually had to.

Y/n stares at her brother's back and glance at Jimin, spotting the male bite his lips as a deep scowl took over his tired features.

He is the rightful owner of those words. He is the only one who can keep her safe.

Safe from the once her brother trusted the most.


I'm spoiling you guys alot with updates. Cause i won't be here after a few days. I have my exams starting in the beginning or the middle of may and there will be Ramadan too. So I have to focus on that. I will be active and maybe even update once or twice but not much so wait for me, yeah?

And wish me luck. These exams are really important. If i fail even one then my whole career is over.

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