Berries And Kisses

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Her eyes flutter open, lashes brushing against the apple of her cheeks when she blinks her eyes to clear her vision. Her head naturally turn to her left and a pout is falling upon her lips as soon as she sees the empty space.

She recalls dozing in on the word for a few seconds between her sleep and remembers that she was wrapped into the arms of her mate. He was flying into dreamland beside her, holding her close to his chest.

She remembers the softness of his hair against her forehead and the fluff of his hoodie against her cheek clearly. Her heart flutter in its cage at the memory.

Her hand cup her red cheeks, a squeal falling from her lips as she wiggles around the soft bed. Oh God, there is no turning back now. She likes him a bit too much.

But now that she thinks about it. Like is such a small word to what she is actually starting to feel now.

She sits up on the bed, stretching and cracking her bones. It's been a few days since she had a good sleep. For the first time, her head does not feel like it's going to burst open from pain and her limbs feel light.

A sigh of relief leaves her. But that is until her sight falls on the slightly open window and her eyes literally bulge out of their sockets.

The sky is shading orange from the sun set and she realizes that she has been sleeping all day. She grumbles at the fact that no one woke her up.

Her bare foot hit the ground and she goes to stand from the mattress when her eyes fall upon the tray seated on the nightstand.

She blinks, watching as heat still comes out of the fresh soup. Someone must have brought it in not long ago. She picks up the tray of food and puts it on her lap.

There is a white card sitting next to the bowl and she picks it and flips it open.

'You better finish it all or I'll spank your plump butt. From your lovely man himself, JK :')

Ps. Please do take your medicines cause Jimin hyung is currently a mess behind me.'

A giggle leaves her. Of course, who else would it be. Such a gentleman he is. His round face flash before her eyes and she finds herself immensely missing him. She has been in her own head for so many days.

She misses all of them.

One spoon of the broth and she finds herself extremely hungry. Also cause it is so good. She finish it off in a matter of few minutes and for the better level state of mind of her mate, she takes the medicines prepared with the food too.

A cool fresh wind flow inside the room through the window and finds herself relaxing. So she decides to take a walk outside after putting the dishes away.

Jimin would definitely have a heart attack if he saw her walking out in the snow with nothing but a hoodie on. So she takes his jacket that she finds laid across his work desk.

Putting in on, she walks outside to clear her mind. And for the first time she feels at peace.

Little did she know that it wouldn't last her too long.


The sudden smell of berries that Jimin usually carry with himself diffuse in the room, her whisper announce her presence. "Hey."

They turn their attention towards the little female looming against the living room entrance.

At the sight of her pouting lips and red cheeks, they welcome her with warm and breathtaking smiles.

"Hello to you too, sleeping beauty." Jin muses, watching as she waddles inside the living room covered in over sized cloths.

One look and they recognize them to be Jimin's.

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