Cold Heart

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The mountain stood tall in front of them, containing nothing but white snow and a small walking path that looked more dangerous than the towering mountain of rock itself.

"Um.. don't tell me we are going all the way up there without a carriage!" Y/n voices out her concern.

Jungkook chuckles from besides her. "Isn't that what hiking means? Don't go lazy on us. We have to walk all the way."

A scowl falls upon the female's features and she side eyes the younger. "Well, its good to be lazy sometimes. I work more than you anyways." She jabs at his side and the guy flinch.

"Shit that hurts. I swear to god, you golden furs are really strong." He crouch down half his height and close his eyes dramatically when he was not even that much hurt.

Y/n raise her brows at him, eyes challenging. The younger breaks into a goofy smile at the sight and agrees on. "Well, you do work more than me. I fully acknowledge that."

"Good." Y/n huffs and turns towards the mountain again. "So.. should we get started?"

A hum only comes from Jungkook while the other two stays silence. She place a leg over the first step and turns around.

Jungkook was right after her, eyes sparkling like the galaxy itself while the other two can't seem to take their eyes off of her.

Y/n sigh. She has said this in a few chapters before and she'll say it again.

This is going to be a hell of a long ride.


"Ah.. i.. i think it is time for us to.. transform.." Jungkook's legs wobbles and his butt soon falls to the ground as he continue to breath heavily.

The other two same agers agree with hums, back rested on the same tree but opposite sides. Y/n can't help but nod too.

They have been walking for past two hours. Half the stairs are gone now but half are still left and there is no way their human legs will be able to climb more.

At first, it was enjoyable. They took many pictures and Jungkook also reenact a scene of his favorite show in between the mountain. But as they travel on, the snow seems to get more pricky and the weather seems to drop lower, which was slowly freezing the immune system of their human bodies. If they stays like this a bit more, there is no doubt they will freeze.

They all stay in their places for five minutes, taking a small break before they are on their feets again.

Jungkook takes no time to transform and follow soon by the other two, not giving much of a damn for their shirt and pants that tear against their skin as their bodies grow double the size or maybe even more of their usual heights.

Y/n keeps her eyes off of them and search for a spot hidden so she can take her transformation as well. Nudity was a common thing between many packs of wolves, but that acquire mostly over some of west packs and east packs, one of them where Jungkook belonged to.

Even in her household, the male was shameless. He was half naked all the time, said cloths eats his precious milky skin- his own words. Though he refrain from doing so when her father was around which was fortunate, there was no doubt he slept fully naked, explaining the locked door of his room in the morning.

She however, would like to be a man in these moments and would love to tear her cloths a part from her body, but she was not that lucky. And showing off her skin was never a favour she would grant anyone, well.. um not all the time.

A soft furry wetness brush against the skin of her arm and she look at her side to see Jungkook nudging her with his snout, urging her to transform too.

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