Latching Demon

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"It's so weird." Jimin mumbles into her hair, snuggling against her soft body while he breathes in the fruity scent that hugs her skin.

His heart flutters when he picks up the smell of fresh blueberries from her. He has been hugging her for so long that she now smells like him. Just the thought of it brings a hot blush to his cheeks.

"What's weird?" Comes her curious hum, soft voice playing with the strings of his heart while a zoo of butterflies flutters his stomach at the doe eyes that now blink up at him.

He smiles warmly, eyes hiding behind pretty half moons. "How much we are bonded together."

The woman hums, head titling to the side as she is warm in his arms. She is sitting in front of him on the carpeted ground, arms hugging his abdomen while he leans on the wall and plays with the silk of her hair.

Jimin leans in to explain when she continues to curiously look up at him. "I always thought my mate will be some girl.."

"Some girl?" The woman immediately points out, brows raising at the man before her. "Park Jimin, am i just some girl to you?" Pouting at him, she pinch his side lightly.

The man replies back with his own pinch to her side while he bumps her head with his. "Let me explain first, you silly girl."

The woman breaks into a giggle at that, loving the way he puffs his cheeks.

He goes to explain but instantly shuts his lips when he notices how she is holding a laugh. Her cheeks are literally red from how much she is controlling it.

He can't help but break into a smile that lit up his delicate features. Jimin has always been weak with his laughters and giggles. He sees someone having a blast with their own laugh and he goes down to the ground laughing himself. Sometimes he even finds himself chuckling at the jokes he doesn't even understand.

So it is very hard for him to control himself. Especially when the little wolf before him is very well aware of this habit and does possibly everything to crack him up.

Even now, she knows he will loose himself with just the sight of her shaking lips and puffed cheeks.

In her defense, this man in front of her looks so breathtaking when he laughs that she will do anything to see it. And when she says anything then she means anything and everything.

She nods, suddenly pretending to be very serious. "Go ahead, minie."

When he sees that she no longer will tease him, he goes to explain again. But he is again distracted by the giggles that practically seeps her eyes.

Their eyes meet and a moment of silent passes.

That is when he looses control of it and they both bursts into a laughter together.

Jeon Jungkook who has been sitting in the kitchen counter, occasionally peaking in on the couple while filling his cheekies with everything delicious frowns at the sight of little hearts floating the heads of both his hyung and his first ever female best friend.

Don't get him wrong. He is NOT jealous. He is just a little bitter.

Where the hell is his own mate that the goddess promised him?

"I swear to god, you are such a minx." Back to where Jimin is, he tickles his mischievous mate's sides.

"Fine." Y/n giggles at the feel of his fingertips. "Go ahead. I won't laugh."

"As I was saying." The man playfully rolls his eyes. "I meant to say that we go way back."

"I didn't expect my mate to be my best friend's sister, the man who is also my beta. And about our families. Our fathers knew each other way before we were even born. Isn't that fascinating?"

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