Laws Of Harassment

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Jungkook sat straight faced in the corner, doe eyes blank as he stared into space. The poor man looks traumatized with his body rigid like a rock. His clothes seemed out of place as he was wrapped in the biggest hoodie he owned, falling way passed his hips and mid thighs. He hid his fingers in his sweater and wrapped his feet in large black socks.

It looked like he lost half of his will to live.

And Jin seemed to find that extremely annoying as he hissed for the tenth time that morning and turn around to face the little one. "Jungkook, snap out of it, get your ass here and help me set the table."

"I. Am. Dead.." Jungkook who? We only know Jungbot.

Jin rubs the muscles in his temples in great tension while everyone stares at them with amusement. "I swear to the moon goddess, if Mr. Jung came down for breakfast and this fucking table is still not set, I am flipping it right over your head." His face turns red in furry. It's funny how chill he was an hour ago with only Taehyung accompanying him in the kitchen.

The moment Jungkook stumbled in with red cheeks and a shaky body had Jin worrying a little bit. But the next moment Jungkook refused to help him and that triggered the hell out of the elder, so he was on the youngest’s neck in a minute.

It was kinda upsetting though. Jungkook's sticky sweet potatoes were the highlight of the morning. Don't tell Jin they think that.

Y/n bit her lip to hide a grin and leaned away from the counter to help the oldest of them all. On her way, she purposely ruffled Jungkook's hair. "Still lost, baby boy?"

The man's body came to life and he instantly flinch back as she giggles past him. His wide eyes followed her figure to the table until they land on Jimin who sat on a dinning chair. Jimin only teasingly wiggles his eyebrows at him and that is enough to break the younger into pieces.

Jungkook suddenly let's out a thrilling high pitched scream that has everyone jumping in their seats.

"Oh my fucking god!!" Yoongi curses out loud as his pen falls out of his hand and Taehyung is one step closer to pinching the youngest's ear for scaring the shit out of him.

Everyone stares at him horrified and annoyed but the man only breathed out heavily like he had run a marathon. Namjoon being the real man that he is, stepped in to save the day and tap Jungkook under-chin. "What is wrong with you? Come back to us, you little brat."

Jungkook seemed to finally take a breather as he spat out. "They tried to harass me!" He pointed his sleeve covered finger towards Jimin and Y/n.

The female's brow raised at him in disbelief as Jimin rolled his eyes. "We only tickled you. Why are you acting like I shoved my hands down your pants."

"Well you did shove your midget fingers up my shirt." Jungkook barked back.

"You oversized bastard. They are normal sized."

"Are they? They are worse than Jin hyung's curly fingers."

Jin snapped his head towards him as his nose flares in anger. "Jungkook, you piece of shit. I'm gonna kill you."

Jungkook's eyes comically spring out of his sockets and fall on to the ground and he immediately ducks down to dodge the steel spoon Jin aims towards him. "Jin hyung, I'm sorry! That slipped my tongue."

"Yes and I'm going to cut that useless thing." Grabbing a butter knife, he threw it at him again.

Taehyung slowly backs away to avoid the scene of war and Jimin leans over the table to gently grab a hold of Y/n's wrist to pull her back. And they all silently watch the show playing in front of them.

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