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With dried blood all over his fingers, Jimin sits outside the clinic room with his head buried in his hands, hair tousled and mind filled with fatigue.

It is terrifying, really. How he sits there the same way Y/n had just sat two months ago while he was the one being treated inside the clinic room. It's the same seat, the same posture and the same anxiety that continued to break his soul.

Jimin knows it's his fault. He remembers her telling him to stay the night but he had refused, telling her how he still had some work left at the office, his alpha duties calling for him even though he had just returned from them.

Instead of being disappointed, Y/n had smiled at him so beautifully, her pretty eyes shinning with pride and support for her mate. She had scolded him with a pout, poking at him to not over work himself and with a soft peck to her cheek, Jimin left after he cuddled her to sleep.

Who knew.

Who knew that just a few hours after that, he would be carrying his dying mate towards the healers and doctors. He didn't care for the tears that slipped his eyes nor for the curses that left his lips. He simply wanted his mate to stop bleeding.
In that moment, he cared least for the terrified doctors when he growled at them with crimson eyes. They didn't waste a moment to obey their alpha's orders.

He doesn't understand, before he left the room, he had put a protective barrier over her body, yet he can't figure out how this happened. She should've been sleeping like a baby right now. How did they get to her?

The more he thinks, the more his head throbs in pain.

The men around him are also restless, waiting for the clinic door to open so this nightmare could come to an end. They are surprised that Hoseok is still standing on his feet right now and not going out of his mind.

The man literally breathes for his sisters.

Slow steps amble towards the hall, bringing them back to the ground from the path of concern. Taehyung is walking towards them with a trailing Jungkook behind him.

Taehyung stops, staring at them blankly. "You might wanna see this."

And that is how they end up in front of Jimin's room, staring at the horror that resides inside.
His room is a mess, bed torn apart and splashed with blood. They know just from one sniff that it's Y/n's.

His blanket is also clawed, some of his little things and decorations broken on the ground. The room reeks of everything unpleasant, their sensitive noses unable to pick up the smell of Jimin's blueberries and Y/n's floral.

They can literally see it, her being pinned on the bed before she manages to escape the claws of whoever it was. She stumbles out of the bed, coated in blood and tears as she runs towards the door and out of the room, whipping right through their bodies.

Jimin's gaze does not waver away from his bed, him being the only one who could gain the courage to walk inside the room. He stands in the middle, silently staring at the mattress.

His head continues to ache, chills racking down his body from the cold air even though the windows are closed shut. He can feel the burn on the right side of his neck too.

He realized it a few hours ago when he first felt it and his heart squeezes in his chest with unbearable pain. This is what Y/n is going through and he feels her fear and pain even when she is fighting for her life right now.

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