Omega Space

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The silent is sleeping around the room, the space now empty other than the pair of mates

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The silent is sleeping around the room, the space now empty other than the pair of mates. Y/n sits small in the bed, Jimin sitting next to her with his back against the headboard.

They both sniff, eyes swollen from crying an hour ago. They seem to have calm down, mind no longer panicked and anxiety ridden. The others have left them alone to give them much needed time together.

Though the ceremony outside is still ongoing, the other men are already taking care of it. Jimin has to go back soon though. The gathering is for him after all.

Y/n tilts her head up towards him, immediately noticing how cute he looks with puffy eyes. He is looking down at their linked hands on his lap so his mouth is into a pout from the weight of his soft cheeks. Her lips also falls into a pout, wanting to peck those plump softness to cheer him up, even though it was her who went into a panic attack an hour ago.

He seems to notice her stares, lifting his head up where he meets her soft gaze. His fingers fiddle with hers and he blinks at her, silently questioning. He looks really handsome like this. His suit is hugging him in all the right ways, the black contrasting his milky skin perfectly.

She laugh suddenly, the man perking up more than before at the sight of her amusement.

"Do I look as stupid as you right now?" She questions, though he looks nothing of the sort.

"Little wolf." He gaps at the woman who starts to giggle at his shocked face. This little minx.

"Hehe." He notices her cheeks contain less to no colour right now, remembering how they used to be shy with pink all the time, especially when he was around her.

His eyes softens, shoulders dropping as he stares at her in yearning. "Come here." He whispers, his hands spreading out for her.

She flushes, her cheeks easily blooming pink. Even in these moment, he doesn't fail to get that reaction out of her. She moves, shy as she pushes herself up to her knees after removing the blanket from over her legs. His hands take their place around her waist and she waddles on her knees towards his lap.

Seating herself over the meaty thighs, she is like a baby ready to cuddle up to her mate. But she stops herself in fear of ruining his perfectly ironed suit. However, he doesn't give her concern any mind and wastes no time in wrapping his arms around her and hugging her close to his chest, just like before. But this time, there is no one who will seperate his mate from him.

Unmoving, Y/n feels him nuzzle into her throat, inhaling her into his lungs. She melts away, soft body blending into his while her face hides itself into his warm neck. Scenting him is the first thing she does, rubbing her nose along his scent glands and claiming him as hers again.

The man's chest rumbles with gentle growls, his alpha pleased at what his omega is doing and content to have his mate so close to him finally after days of feeling incomplete.

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