Jungkook, The Little Shit

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Resting on the edge of the thin branch with a poor worm squirming around her mouth, she looks down with hopeful eyes at her little child. The child looks back at her with dead eyes, as if it was already done with this miserable life. The mother pays no mind to his attitude and leans down, wanting to deliver her son's breakfast like the good mother that she was. Too bad, the little shit was having non of the chap-chap and as soon as the screaming worm, named Patricia, hits the tip of his mouth, he yeets it right out of his mother's mouth to the side. The worm upon freedom lets out a cheerful yelp as she goes flying across the world. The mother blinks in shock at the escape of her prey, her feathers fluttering as she looks back at her little blue bird of a bratty son with dead eyes of her own. Oh she can't wait to put him up for adoption.

While the mother bird is signing the papers outside, the inside is a whole different scenery as dark colored curtains fall over the window, blocking out the slowly rising sun as it shades the room in flushing rays of whites and blues.

The bed is gentle and the bodies lying in it are soft and still. Chest raising and falling in sync, both are cuddled up to the other's sides, facing each other. If it weren't for the little breathes coming from them, It would definitely feel like the world have stopped around them

And perhaps it had. No one wants to disturb the fate that finally brought them into each other's arms. The shyness clearly prevents one from doing many things.

It is Jimin who stirs to life first. Eyebrows twitching softly and plump lips pouting prettily. He takes his time blinking his eyes open, vision blurry at first which forces him to close them shut again.

The slumber lingering up his head whispers him dirty to sleep a bit more, but it was the duty to serve his pack that woke him, and maybe he also wanted to find out the reason why he can't move one of his arms.

His eyes flutter open again, taking a bit more time to adjust. And just as he can feel the horizon lighting up his room, the air gets caught in his lungs as his gaze adjusts upon the most breathtaking view he had ever seen.

For a second, he was stuck there, taking in everything his eyes could. He discovers he is being greedy, for he doesn't have to worry. The beauty beside him is fast asleep. He had all the time in the world to gaze upon every inch of her delicate face.

He finds himself smiling, heart melting into puddles of softness. It becomes so intense for him that he has to squeeze his eyes shut and look away before he starts to coo at her. He lays on his back, the ceiling now being his view. He sighs, working himself to calm as he then stretches his arm and legs. A kitty yawn leaves him naturally and he enjoys this to his heart content, letting out the unnecessary sleep and fatigue in his system.

The faint stirring next to him immediately takes his attention and his yearning eyes are back to where they left. He discovers it is her head that rests in his other arm, a warm pillow for her little head. Her long hair that he always adored sprayed behind and around her, creating a halo on the top of her head. Her eyes are closed, lashes touching and shadowing the apple of her red cheeks. Her lips are hidden by her hands that are curled around her mouth into fists.

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