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Jungkook properly settles the thick blanket over Jimin's legs, making sure the cold doesn't get to him and make his condition worse.

He had just succeeded to convince Y/n to retire to her room and rest a little bit. The woman literally forgot about herself and stays next to Jimin and check up on his health all day long, every day.

After throwing in his ultimate baby doe eyes and pouty lips that he knew no one could resist, he managed to convince Y/n to leave her mate's side while he volunteered to look after him.

His inner bitch suddenly triggers him and he turns and walks towards the cabin where all the medications were placed, his back facing the occupied bed as he looks over the medicine.

He holds in a gag when he spots the unlimited line of syrup that were in many different colours and sized bottles. But all in all, his worse nightmare were those thick streaky white syrup that for some apparent reason tasted like burned mint. He is glad that he did not find any here.

He picks up a newly wrapped needle and his mind suddenly flash with mischief as an idea pops inside his empty head.

How many people can he poke with this?

He turns around again, eyes rolling up with tricks. In between all of his play, he doesn't notice the bed that slowly starts to shake.

He hides the injection inside his back pocket, already ticking the people in his blacklist to poke their ass with the sharp needle.

He can't believe he had such a great idea. Poking people with injections? Of course, no one is as smart as him to think of such a thing. He just knew he was special when he was born. He is Jeon Jungkook. No one can be like him, the great big bad wolf, the future alpha of his pa--


He jumps in his place, a squeal leaves him as he falls down his plump ass at the sudden shout. He whips his head towards the bed when it creaks violently, eyes wide and bewildered.

"H-Hyung!" He stutters, mouth opening and closing like a little fish as he is left shocked at the sight before him.

Jimin's tear-streaked face stares back at him, the elder puffing out rapid breaths as if he had been running. His wide, wild eyes search the room for the only person he had called out for.

Jungkook immediately sits up straight and gets up on his feet, eyes not looking away from Jimin in shock. He takes two steps back before suddenly whipping around and sprinting out of the room in the speed of light.

The soles of his boots thumbs against the carpeted floor as he runs down the halls and towards the living room where he can hear the others.

He can't believe it. Jimin is awake! Y/n is going to be so happy.

A grin spread across his features as he stumbles inside the room, making the conversation going around inside the room to come to a halt. Everyone turned to look at him as he cries out.

"He's awake. He's finally awake." An announcement was made, his ever blinding grin express his happiness.


"You can leave now." Words leave him firmly as he refuses to look at the standing female besides his door.

Y/n smiles a little, hands folded behind her back as she glances towards the nightstand where the almost finished bread she had bought for him rests.

Her guess was right. He did like sweet bread.

She nods and does as he had said. She turns around and walks outside the room, closing the door behind her quietly as she had come to know how Mr Park despised loud voices.

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