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She doesn't dare move, even when she could hear the rumble of steps approaching her in a sprint, she still stays put.

The sight before her was unbelievable, horrifying even. How is this possible?

This hallways was a part of her own home, or in the shape of it, but she has a feeling that this was her mind playing with her.

"Y/n!" Jungkook's voice hits her eardrums as he gets closer now.

She wanted to run, she wanted to hide in the four wall protection of her room, to not see anyone at the moment of so much vulnerability, but she couldn't get her legs to listen to her.

Her mind felt extremely tired and worn out and she wanted nothing more than to sleep in the warm bed Jimin has provided her.


The name left a bitter taste in her mouth, but then again, she couldn't blame him. That man was his father, of course Jimin has no power in front of him.

Not that she wanted him to stop his father for his wrong saying, even when he did tell him, a try but at least he did. She was grateful that he took her side.

But she didn't want his help. She has her brother by her side, he would say much more and no one will argue back over his words. Other than that, her grandfather always told her to believe in time.

Time is something that will heal wounds, it teaches us something and it also proves many wrong. Just let time take its lead.

That time, as she had looked up at him with big innocent doe eyes and had questioned. "Grandpa, what about words? Mama said they never heal, even through time."

Her grandfather than has chuckled and took her small hands into his much aged and experienced one. "It's true. Words never heal, instead, they leave a deep wound in your back which can never be healed. But that is, if you let them get to you. Believe in what is right, my child and you will never get hurt."

His gentle words echo in her mind and she comes to a realization that she has indeed let Mr. Park's words get to her.

But why? Her ancestors had a reason to leave this place. Why was Mr. Park so angry about?

"Y/n!" Jungkook's voice snaps her out of her train of thoughts and she turns her head back at him.

He looked out of breath, concern shining in his eyes as they land over the little speck of tears that gather around hers. His eyes softens even further and before they could narrow into pity, she growls at him.

"Don't. Stop pitying me."

Her harsh voice leaves him shock for a seconds before he roll his shoulders and tighten the expression on his face, even though he wanted nothing but to pull the fragile female in a tight hug. "I'm not pitying you."

Y/n avert her gaze away from him and brings a quick hand to wipe away the gathered tears in her eyes.

'You didn't even once let them fall.' He stares at her with obvious pain in his face for her now. 'How are you so strong?'

"What is all this?" She doesn't look at him and pointing her hand towards the hallway.

Jungkook force his eyes away from her and towards the hallway, brows instantly narrowing. "What?"

Y/n glance at him and then at the hallway again. The walls, the door, it was all still there.

"All of this. What is going on here?" She question again, this time her voice wavering a bit.

'Please tell me you can see it too.' Fear was now crawling on her skin.

Jungkook takes a step towards her. "There is nothing there, Y/n. Its just a hallway."

This leaves her speechless and she turns her head towards her left again. However, the sight that greets her this time is fully different.

The brown walls of her sweet home are now replaced with dark black wooden once, the cream colored door that was the reason of her many sleepless nights now is a color of shining brown.

Agony now reads her face, mouth parting to let out a shaky breath through her parched throats.

Is she finally going insane?

She feels a small feather touch in her elbow where Jungkook is now grasping at the cloth of her full sleeve.

He is almost afraid that if he lets her go, she will fall even more deeper in her thoughts and soon her confidence will crumble away. That's the last thing he wants right now.

Her head now hung low and she whispers. "Who's room is this?"


"Please.." She pleads.

He gulps before finally answering. "Tae hyung's..."


"What was that all about?"

"Don't raise your voice at me, Jimin." His father warns.

"What do you want me to do then? You made me believe you have accepted her all this time and when she finally arrived, yo- you made her feel so small, in front of everyone." Jimin chokes in his words, feeling his blood pumping rabidly as fear started to settle in.

What if she leaves?

"You don't know them well. You don't know what they are capable of. Their ancestors--"

"They are dead, father. Why don't you get it, for god sake? Her ancestors and her grands, they all are gone. Let them go." Jimin racks a hand through his hair as his nerves kept on twitching. "And besides, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be here either."

"Jimin!" His father scolds sternly. "Everything we now have is what we deserve. Your great grandfather worked hard to gain all of this."

"Yeah. I can tell really well." Jimin's words were sarcastic as he turns his back to his father. He's afraid he is going to say something hurtful if he stare at him too long.

"All of this for that woman. You are talking in this manner with your father, just because of that pathetic low--"

"Don't." Jimin barks before his father could finish his sentence. "Don't you ever call her that. She's my mate and she is something to you too now. At least respect me if you can't respect her." His chest rumbles in deep growls as he turn around and walk towards the door.

And soon, the whole house shakes in fear as he shuts the door with the loud thud behind him.


Little Jimin has lots of anger inside him. Y'all were really upset at Mr. Park in the last update so i made Jimin remind him of his place. Hope y'all like it.

Btw, i hit 1k followers and i want to thank you all for following me and reading my books and being there for me when i need you guys. You all mean a lot to me and i have decided to do a face reveal soon for my 1k followers. A little celebration to let y'all see my pReTtY face.😆😆

Leave aloootttt of love in your way.


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