Taehyung's Mate

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Jimin sits on the carpeted floor, his back leaning against the wall

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Jimin sits on the carpeted floor, his back leaning against the wall. His legs are parted, his little mate seated between them, snug against his warm chest. Her body is drowning in his clothes, his blueberries hugging and clinging all of her.

She giggles up at him, small and squishy, warm and protected. He's been stricter in his care, making sure she rests and eats as much as possible to get her health back up. Thankfully, the wounds on her neck have almost healed and she is more active on her feet now.

Even if he's gotten a lot busier with the pack after his coronation, he always makes time for her.

Jungkook side eye them from where he sits on the chair in front of the kitchen counter. Somehow, this scene looks all the more similar to him. He's been here before, watching them be so lovey dovey while he shoves mouthful of dry cereal inside his mouth. But then again, this is a daily occurrence.

Park Jimin and Jung Y/n have been making everyone feel lonely for a long time.

The others are still single, having not found there mates yet. So of course they feel envious, especially towards Jimin.

Jungkook sighs, the word mate not sitting right in his stomach. He has someone back home. Though they are not his mate, nor someone he knows. But they have been claimed under his name since their birth.

Soon, he will go back to his pack, and soon, he will meet them.

Hoseok enters through the door, a tired Taehyung and Namjoon following behind him. He turns his head to the side and instantly frowns at the sight of his sister sitting so close to his best friend, aka his alpha.

Namjoon slump down on the couch opposite them who are on the ground, and Taehyung beelines towards the kitchen after he glance around the room once.

Hoseok approach them and stare down at them. Jimin looks up, his eyes meeting the blank gaze of his beta. "Why are you two sitting so close to each other?" The brother deadpans. "Please keep your paws off of my sister, Park."

Jimin blinks, and nods instantly. "Understood."

But Y/n stops him by putting her hands over his arms that are resting on her stomach, her head titling up to furrow her brows at her brother. A pout to her lips, she threatens. "And what if he doesn't? Stop being so jealous."

Hoseok scoffs, his lips parting in a sarcastic smirk. "Jealous of what? You two midgets?"

Y/n's frown deepens the more she gets offended. "He's small and cute as fuck and I recently went through hell and shrunk, you despicable dog." She barks at him before twisting around in between Jimin's legs and throwing her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly while hiding her face in his neck.

The alpha instantly wraps his arms around his little one and pass Hoseok a smug look. "Very mean, hyung." He smirk, intentionally pulling her closer against him.

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