
8K 533 53

Y/n's straightened back and frozen body jerks itself awake when the drums of her ears picks up another bone chilling growl that escapes the creature.

Or more to be detailed, a werewolf.

She squint her eyes towards the area where the voice was coming from, not noticing how Jimin's hold has tightened even further around her.

Her eyes lands on the flicker of a grey fur that shifts within the thick bush and when she glares her eyes for more details of the werewolf, her gaze lands on the orbs of the one that growl at them.

Her breath hitches in her throats, heart skipping in fear that starts to crawl over her as long as she stares into those eyes.

Pitched black and emptiness, that seems to be the only thing that shines in them.

A shiver travels down her figure and her palms scrunch Jimin's jacket around his shoulders.

"J-Jimin." She turn her head towards him who seems to be staring at something on his right rather than the wolf that was in front of them, still hidden.

"It's not just a werewolf." She shakes him lightly to bring him back to earth. It seems to work as the male snap his neck up at her, eyes holding an emotion that has her tilting her head in confusion.


He was scared.

"Y/n." He calls her name. "I need you to get behind me."

Scared that she will get hurt. Fear that was not for him.

"No." She shakes her head. "You're not well and besides we are not prepared for this. We need to find Jungkook and Taehyung so we can leave."

Jimin release a deep breath at her words. "Little wolf, you are searching for the once that are after us. Let me handle this."

Y/n stare down at him weakening form with a frown. She does not understand his words one bit.

He sits up, an arm enveloping her waist as he pull her to his side. Y/n is now left staring up at him as he prepares to get on his legs.

His figure comes to block her fully from the werewolf as he stands in a protective barrier around her, eyes lidded in an angry glare towards the one he knew as his friend.

"Let's get out of this nightmare once and for all."


Jungkook's hands fiddles with the leather coating of the camera strap that was hanging around his neck, eyes trained to the older male's back with pursed lips.

Taehyung sits a few meters away from him, using one of the broken rocks to place himself as he stares ahead, lost in thoughts.

Jungkook exhales, deciding to break the suffocating air that was slowly choking him. "Hyung." He calls.

Taehyung's head shift a bit, urging the younger to continue when he saw that the called male was listening. "Do you regret it?"

His question is met with silence for a minute, the elder racking his head through each word diffused by the younger.

His mind was set, answer resting on the tip of his tongue, ready to leave the curve of his lips but he holds back. "No." Was simple and without hesitation.

Jungkook frowns from behind him before attending back to the male when he continues.

"But i wish things weren't like this.." Taehyung's voice was small, unheard even.

Alpha's Little Wolf || P.JWhere stories live. Discover now