His Concern

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This was definitely someone else.

She hurriedly grabs the doorknob and push it towards herself and close the door with a thud.

She then works on locking the door while feeling the goosebumps in her hands raise.

Successfully locking the door firmly, she works her way out of the hallway.

She turns and tries her best to carry her numb legs and dizzy mind out of the floor but to no avail, her pace was slower than the forced she had released from her body.

Fear crawls up the pale skin of her figure and her hands tightens around the key to prevent it from dropping.

This might be a moment of panic but she can't loose her mind over it.

As she literally drag her legs towards the staircase and down at the floor, she could clearly hear and feel someone's steps and breath behind her.

And the most confusing part was that it also seems to be in as much panic.

With much difficulty she climbs down some stairs before thankfully gaining her legs back at the end.

The female does not wait another moment and dash away to the ground floor when given the chance.

Her heart beats fast in fear and panic, her eyes shaking and she comes to a halt the moment she turns away from the stairs at the ground floor.

Her eyes catch another familiar once and her heart starts to beat fast for a totally different reason.

Her wolf, like usual, immediately perks up and calls out to her mate and she don't resist it this time.

She can now hundred percent say that this is the first time she's so glad to see Jimin.

The male tilts his head to the side and the mischief that shined through his eyes drains away the moment he saw her expressions.

Instead his brows furrows and Y/n's stomach is suddenly hit with the feeling of concern.

She blinks at his expression and reads the clearly written concern in the male's eyes.

Just for her.

He was the one who was concerned for her and she can feel it.

Jimin stares at his mate who had suddenly appeared from the staircase and the shaking of her eyes and her body has stopped him from throwing a tease remark at her.

"Jimin." The way his name rolled out of her tongue so breathless makes his breath hitched in his throats.

This is the first time she has said his name, and the fact that it was called out with the force of such helplessness and softness at the moment made him clinch his fist to control that familiar temptation that was her.

"Are you alright?" He breaths out and for the first time, it felt like they were having a normal conversation.

Y/n nods slowly yet the truth was written all over her face.

She was scared and he could see and feel that clearly.

He trail his eyes towards the stairs that were born in the north, the case that took an individual to the third floor where that room was.

His eyes turns wide in realization and he turns to her.

"Don't be scared... I'm here." He smiles slightly.

Y/n stares at him with wide eyes and her shoulders relax a little at the comfort he showed in his.

She looks away and awkwardly nods, hand rubbing her right arm to warm herself up a little.

"What were you doing upstairs?" He questions softly.

Y/n purse her lips and replies. "I was checking in the door."

Jimin nods, eyes averting everywhere. "Was it locked?"

Y/n shakes her head. "It wasn't."

Jimin looks up at her and furrow his brows. "Did someone went in?"

"It's always unlocks in it's own these days." The female sighs and drops her hand.

At this point, there was no hiding since they already saw what took place last night.

Jimin stares at the distressed look that pass his mate's features. "Has Vi always sleep walked?"

Y/n parts her lips at his curiousness. "She used to...once."

Jimin acknowledge her words with a nod. "Don't worry. Yoongi hyung said he'll take care of her today."

Y/n snaps her gaze at him. "He don't have to. I'll take care of her." The sentence might have sounded angry but the way each words left her lips was soft as a whisper, as if she was beyond tired.

Jimin shakes his head. "At least trust him. He won't even look away from her."

Y/n drops her shoulders at that, staring at his face that clearly knew that she did not trust him one bit.

How could she? Even he knew that she would never.

He has been feeding her family with lies since the beginning.

A shiver went down her spine when a cold wind hits the small of her back and the male notices.

However before he could open his mouth, another raspy voice cuts him off.


Both turns towards the living room door and watch as Taehyung walks in.

He reaches out a cloth towards her and Y/n immediately recognize the wool.

It was her sweater she always wears around the house to keep her body warm.

How did he even get it?

She looks up at his face and immediately looks away when she finds those dazed eyes drilling a hole into her.

She reach out and grabs the cloth but does not wear it.

God knows what he might have done to it.

She hangs it into her arm and murmers. "You shoulder retire to your rooms. It's getting late."

With that she turns to leave but stops again when the newly entered male voices out. "The key."

Y/n turns to him in confusion.

"The key." He points out again, eyes pointing towards the ground.

Y/n follows his gaze and finds the key to the door on the ground.

Her eyes widens and she hurriedly ducks down to pick it up.

When did she let it slide though her fingers? She had been grasping it as if her life depends on it.

She clinches it into her fist and whispers. "Good night." Glancing last time at her mate, she turns and skips out from the living room.

Jimin eye twitches and he turns to the other male when Y/n is out of the living room.

"You're crossing you lines, Taehyung." He grits out in anger.

Taehyung smiles at him. "And what lines am i passing, Park Jimin?"

Jimin furrows his brows in an angry narrow. "She's my mate."

Taehyung smirks. "And if it weren't for me you wouldn't even met her, let alone be by her side"


I wrote this chapter with the last update but cut the half chapter that time since it was too long.

I hope you guys are getting confused cause that is what i want you all to be 😅

Btw, all the idols slayed today.

Leave some love in your way.


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