The Prince

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"I love you so much and I am hurting, Jimin, please

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"I love you so much and I am hurting, Jimin, please."

Soft words of plea fall into buzzed ears as the weight of the confession falls into the room. For a moment, the room stuns in silence, and the only sound that can be heard is the little gasps of cries from the woman.

She is a trembling little thing in the middle of the bed, panicked and scared, trying desperately to catch the last strings of fate which seems to be slipping past her fingers. She's crying right now, and she doesn't cry. Y/n is not the one to easily sob and tremble.

Their omega is hurting. And she is speaking out the feelings which she thinks will ground her to reality. Her reality. Him. The man standing before her.

Jimin stands frozen in his place, his heart having stopped for a moment before it twists so painfully in his ribcage that he almost doubles over at the pain. His ears buzz out further until he can't hear anything but the five words that keep repeating themselves to him.

I love you. I love you so much.

She loves him. His little wolf, his precious omega. She is in love with him.

Words he never thought he would ever get to hear, are like a sweet salvation to his starved heart.

His numb body leans towards her before his legs buckle under him and he falls on his knees in front of her, flushed to the side of the bed. His miserable, trembling hands fly out towards her and he catches her little palms into his and brings them up to his lips.

Eyebrows scrunching and eyes shutting tightly in the most devastated he has ever felt, he places his lips on her knuckles and kisses them desperately. Tears stream freely down his face, eyes red and lids swollen from all the tears he has shed in the past few hours. They sting his skin, scratched from all the wiping he has done.

But he doesn't care. That pain is nothing compared to the one in his heart.

"I love you." He stutters out. There is no point in keeping them in. They leave his lips before he can stop them. "I-I love you too. I—" His breath catches in his throat, shaking. "I love you so much, I don't know what to do with myself anymore." He looks up into her teary eyes, now being the one pleading. "I have from the moment I saw you for the very first time that night when you ran from me. I can't- I can't breathe or think when you're far from me. I love you so much."

His head bows, face tucking into their tangled hands as he starts to cry. Y/n is shaking with sobs too, her head growing lightweight as her clenching heart starts to beat faster. Those words ground her back to reality, but they also hurt as much to hear.

They aren't the only ones shedding tears anymore.

It's all a cruel fate. A joke played by the goddess. Why was she never written for him when they so clearly belonged to each other? A bond that sparked from anger and turned into something so beautiful.

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