To Where It Ended

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Joyous laughters echoed around the open air as the night sky decorated itself beautifully with twinkling stars. The half moons of Jimin's eyes, the creases that appear around Jungkook's eyes as he giggles out loud, and the dimples that pop out on Namjoon's cheeks and her brother's, to the full display of cute teeth Taehyung, Jin and Yoongi showed as they smile widly was a sight Y/n wished to store in her mind forever.

But the foginess in her vision stopped her. Everyone's face was a blur. Fatigue gripped every fiber of her body and her head was heavy. The only thing she wanted to do now was go and lay down in her bed. But the atmosphere around her was the lightest it had been in weeks and she didn't want to ruin it.

So she kept quiet and tried her best to hear what the men around her were saying. They were probably talking about old memories they had in the academy together because she noticed Jimin chuckle delightfully at what Hoseok said. She blinks her eyes, forcing herself to stretch her lips into a smile.

She had long cut the red string of fate that bonded her to Jimin. This was one of the many times she was glad about the ability she took after her grandmother. Sometimes it got hard for Jimin since he was in a vulnerable condition and Y/n never wanted to disturb him further with her problems.

She thought about what her father has told her. Her mind had yet to pick up on all of the information. It was unbelievable, disappointing, and devastating. Part of her wanted to believe that it was all a lie. Every word he said was a covering lie. But then she thought of how her father never lies. It’s in his blood to stay right no matter what and he would never go against it.

But as she sat there with the man himself sitting right opposite of her, she started to think if he had really stayed true to his loyal beliefs. Her eyes glance up at him, eyes stinging with an uninvited thin layer of tears when she found him with his head bowed down, the glass of beer half-full in his hand. He hasn’t touched his food, his distant behavior made them think that he was tired from the long journey he did for two days.

But Y/n knew him better than anyone. The reason he was sitting so quiet with his head downcasted was because he was hurt and ashamed. Telling her the story of his life had brought back all the memories and the pain. He was reminded yet again how he started the base of his own life with a big betrayal. And he dared to call it his safe heaven.

As if feeling her gaze, her father looked up and their eyes linked. His eyes soften with guilt when he sees the roller coaster of emotions he had put her through. He could see how much she was struggling to hold everything together, how she forced herself to smile when Jimin, the son of the man he betrayed passed her meat every once in a while. He could see the shame in her gaze when they meet Jimin's. She was guilty, she was remorseful and she was breaking.

Like a hard hammer hitting clear delicate glass, he broke what kept her strong and held her head high. Now she avoided their gazes and preferred to look down at the ground to hide herself.

It was unbearable. He couldn't sit there any longer and stare at what he had done. So he got up from his place, placing the glass on the table and bidding his silent good nights before turning around leaving towards the alpha house.

Everyone stared out at him, confused at his sudden leave. Hoseok's doe eyes instantly land on Y/n’s, eyebrows furrowing in question when she catches his gaze. The female stared back at him, thousands of emotions swirling in her irises.

She gulps, looking down at her lap. The little amount of food that she forced herself to eat now rising up in her throat and before that one string of hope snaps, she also gets up from her seat. Gazes now landing on her as she backs away, head down.

"I'm done."

She turns around and lets out a deep breath as tears well up in her eyes further.

"You didn't eat much.." It's Jimin who whispers this and Y/n feels a pang of pain stabbing her heart at his small voice.

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