Case Closed

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Her head lays strained in between the barrier of her folded arms, in the edge of the mattress, her body bend down uncomfortably and worn in the chair placed next to the bed.

She doesn't recall when she had fallen in the arms of slumber, but judging by how it had temptingly stood by her side all morning, it wasn't long that she finally gave in to it.

Poor thing had been restless since the day she arrived in the alpha's house.

First, Mr. Park's cruel words had kept her awake in the first night of her stay, then the illusional hallway she witnessed had her twisting and turning in her sheets, then yesterday, when she had basically witnessed her mate so close to death, it was given that her temper would win over, resulting in her barking at Mr. Park with not much respect that she actually once felt towards him.

Indeed, you'll know someone well when you finally meet them. That man has shown himself the very moment she came to face him.

Jimin's hand lays lifeless next to her head, an IV drip injected in the vein to pass the medical healing liquid through his body. The drip merely works to energize his immune system, his wolf was doing the big job at healing his wounds fully.

It won't be long until he finally wakes up.

Her eyelids were sealed shut, tired to the point where she found home even in such an uneasy position, but who cares? At least she is close to her mate.

While lost in the forest of her slumber, the world around her was blur. If she would have been even a bit conscious, then she would have felt the temperature in the room dropping. If she had been even a bit present in the reality, then she would have witnessed the bed shaking lightly and maybe even the lifeless hand that twitches lightly in its place next to her head.


"Beta Hoseok, i found the body slaughter reports to those who went missing from the rogue house." The investigator walks in the room filled with silence, a thick file balanced in his palm. "They have went missing a day before yesterday. Some of the rogue reported that they were bragging about hitting a big gold before they went missing, though they appeared to have none of the supporters and jobs to do so."

Hoseok takes the report directed towards his direction, opening the first page of the file to be greeted by the scenario of livid blood his sister has caused. His nose scrunch up and he stops himself from flinching at the mer sight that was taking into a picture.

"How many were they?" He questions, letting the file being taken away from him by Jin, however, the elder does flinch when his gaze falls upon the picture.

"There were three of them." The investigator informs.

"What do you mean about them having no supporters? Where are their mates?" Namjoon questions this time.

"They were rogue to the society and declared one to the moon goddess too. They have lost all their rights to have any loyal significant others after the path that they choose as werewolves." The investigator replies.

Hoseok massage his temple with the tips of his fingers. "How did they die?"

"Teared apart to the bone. There is no sign of them fainting. It is highly possible that they cried to their deaths while they were being so ruthlessly murdered." All of them share a glance with each other when the investigator says this.

"What do you want me to do about this, Beta Hoseok? Do i take out to the search mission around the outer are-"

"Close the case."

The investigator directs his gaze towards the man who had cut him off. Yoongi stares back at him with no room for flexibility towards the case.

"Are you sure, Beta Yoongi? This is a serious murder." The investigator's brows furrow in confusion.

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