Alpha And His Beta

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Her eyes crack open, drowsiness leaking her. She blinks, thankful that the moon still shines brightly in the sky. She just went to lie down to at least get a blink of sleep after her long days of ups and downs for the funeral. She is not ready to get up yet.

Her sight slowly adjusts to the lighting of the room, stretching and letting out a groan at the feeling of her tense muscles. A sigh escapes her lips, head rolling over the pillow to face the open window.

She immediately freezes, heart picking up from its sleepy pace. It thuds against her chest and her instincts push her up the bed. A shiver crawls down her spine at the heaviness of a gaze on her.

The figure that stood before her was a man, tall and dark from the light of the moon behind him. She sat up completely on the bed, backing away over the headboard as the figure took a step forward.

"Who are you?" She whispers to the shadow standing giant before her bed.

The figure stayed silence, the only movement in him being his steps that walked him closer to her. The female narrows her eyes at his face.

The gentle sway of his hair reminded her so much of Jimin's.

But he was not Jimin.

As he stepped closer and out of the light of the moon, his face reflected the light of the lamp, causing her eyes to widen at him.

A young man stared down at her, clothes covering his broad shoulders and face void of any emotions. As she stared back, she could not help but notice that not only did his hair sway like Jimin's but also some of his features that were similar.

Or it was jimin who had similar features.

"Mr. Park.." She mumbles, shocked at the man before her.

He looked young and handsome, probably when he was in his early twenties. Y/n could now see that Jimin got his father's cheeks and eyes because the young man who stood before her was an exact replica of Jimin.

The man took steps closer to her bed and when he reached it, he stares right at her.

"Is this a dream?" Y/n questions, back still pressed against the headboard.

The man shakes his head. "It's Just an illusion." When he speaks, his voice echos from every direction.

"But for you, it is a reality."

When Y/n stares back in confusion, the man sighs, his shoulders visibly dropping its tension in the air. "Dumb dumb." He whispers at her, taking a seat on the edge of her bed.

Y/n's mouth purses into a pout at the offending call thrown her way. She sits up in her place, shaking her head to wake her tired mind back to earth. "Meanie." She huffs at him.

The man ignores what he had heard her say and speaks his own motives. "I requested the moon goddess for this chance. To give me a chance to visit back."

The female furrows her brows behind him. "Why didn't you visit your son then?"

Mr. Park turns his head to face her and makes direct eye contact. "I've already said my farwell to him. But I haven't said them to you."

Y/n's mind blanks out for a second. "What..?"

The man intensely stares at her for a minute. Y/n can see him trying to read her but it was not as easy. No one can read her mind. That is just one of her strengths. And she can see that he returned empty handed when he immediately looked away.

"Your father and I used to train in the same academy." He speaks after a minute of silence, making her gawk at him with wide eyes.

"We grew up together, inseparable." The man continues. "Trained together and shared a dorm room. Even though we were opposite of each other, but that did not stop our friendship. Your father was a smart man, always studious and he always came first in class. A cheerful young man with so much hope. While I was an athlete and dominant. Though with my hands and legs to keep myself steady. Which I succeed in most part of my life."

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