The Tower Magician

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I couldn't come up with a name for the magician so YES!! I used Lucas. And it's definitely this mf right here

Btw he's Lucas from who made me princess. Ya'll check it out for clear skin cause the MEN in these are just *chef's kiss* especially the daddy 👀🤟

"The mages has entered the pack. They will arrive soon." Inform the butler.

Jimin nods lifelessly, dismissing the older man. Sighing out, he walks over to sit down on the chair placed on one corner of the living room. His legs are close enough to give up on him, fatigue and headache gripping his bones. He feels like he will faint any moment now.

Racking a rough hand through his hair, he rests his head on his hands, elbows placed on his thighs to balance himself. Ever since they came back from the academy, there isn't a moment of rest in their lives. And they ended up swiping Y/n into their mess too.

The accident with his father and his passing was something Jimin was not prepared for. His father, though a bit older but still was an active man who went hunting every week. His hands didn't even shake yet. He would have lived more if it weren't for the attack from the rogues.

Jimin already handled that situation with the investigators and police and discarded of all the wolves who had no part in any pack far away from his mountains. He set up hard rules to follow for the guards to protect the town and his pack.

All of that was not as hard as it sounds when his beautifully fluttering butterfly was around him to support him in his every decision. It's painful to even think about it. How someone was so heartless to damage those soft vibrant wings, to the point where she is bed ridden and in pain.

"Jungkook, hey.. calm down." He can hear Namjoon's soft voice consoling the little one on the other end of the living room, his friends keeping their distance from him as to not get their emotions mixed with his already messed up mind.

Jimin appreciates the thought. But he also wishes for someone to hug and comfort him. But he guesses that is too much to ask for.

Jungkook looks up with teary eyes towards Namjoon who is kneeling in front of him. "Hyung.." He whispers, voice as shaky as his body.

"It's okay." Jin pats his back.

But Jungkook rapidly shakes his head. "No. We need to wake her up."

"Jungkook, what did you see?" Namjoon questions the young man, hand squeezing his.

Making himself as small as possible. "She's in pain." Is the only thing that the youngest mumbles.

Jimin hiss at just the words whispered by the youngest, curling in on himself and closing his eyes tightly, wishing this to be over with.


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