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He gasp, the air lumping in his air pipe and making it hard for him to breath.

The oxygen fogs up his mind, fear and horror taking over each part of his brain and like a mad man, he turns the corner, his shaking and unsteady figure lost as his brain only screamed one mission.

'Y/n Y/n.'

She is not in her room.

It's past midnight.

This house is almost haunted and is located in between a thick forest.

Where the fuck is she?

"I'll be better if you enter your rooms early. There are things here that are stronger than werewolves." Her once spoken words echo in his mind and his mind lost all the control he had over it.

"No no no.... Y/n.. where are you?" He whispers, his legs stumbling in the open air yet he continues his pace.

He lightens his sense, closing his eyes, he inhale a deep breath, searching for the scent that felt like home to him.

His wolf instantly perks up and growls out when he picks up the almost fading scent, the scent that only belongs to Y/n.

He twist around and literally sprint towards and up the stairs that led him to the second floor.

As he got closer, the scent got stronger and he finally picked up the heart beat he was so mindlessly searching for.

He comes to a stumbling halt in the hallway and his eyes lands on the only two doors that were born there.

The one room that belongs to Taehyung and the other room belongs to Vi.

His fist clinches tightly.

'No fucking way.'

Anger suddenly seeps from every pore of his body, the thought of his mate inside Taehyung's, his oh so loyal friend room alone leaves him irritated and pissed.

His heavy steps walks towards the door, but he himself gets confused when he doesn't feels her warmth even closed to his door, let alone inside his room.

He stares at the door in confusion as he walks past it.

'She's not inside.' A sigh of relief dare escape his lips.

And now that only leaves Vi's room.

He steps up to the door and without a single care that there were other people who were currently sleeping, his fist pounds harshly against the door.

Hair a mess, like the condition of his heart, he continues to pounds on the door.

He only stops when the door finally swings open and he only waits a mer second to see that irritated expression on his mate's face before he launches forward and engulf her in a tight bear hug.

Relief pass through him instantly when he finally press her warmth against him.

"Oh Thank goddess, you're fine." Jimin mumbles, stuffing his nose in her hair and inhaling a deep breath.

The female stays shocked, bewildered by the situation as she's practically flushed to the male.

"Where were you?" He suddenly pulls away, grabbing both her shoulders as he sternly look at her. "I was worried sick."

His voice raise even more as he talked and she immediately shush him. "What is wrong with you? Vi's sleeping."

Jimin release a breath and racks a hand through his messy hair. "You were not in your room. You fucking scared me there."

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