Before You Go

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Disturbing scene concerning a child, panic attack and suicidal thoughts

Read to your own risk, my loves



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It's all void in here.

And she floats, air gravitating her into the middle of nothingness. She is asleep, almost dead with no hopes of returning.

Eyes closed and body laid back. She thinks of nothing, perhaps in peace after such a long time. But behind those closed lids, she sees light shining through. Her body refuses to communicate but her memories cry through her skin and drip down her body.

She hears laughters, the pitter pattering of small feet singing the wood awake. She sees herself, her who cradles a small body to her chest.

A body clueless to the ways of the world.

'Baby Violet is such a babbling wolf.' She hears herself coo to the child.

And she instantly knew. She is there. In that dream. The day her life changed for the worst again.

Violet looks up, glitter sparkling within those big round eyes. Her little lips pout, as if she understood the words her sister just said. But she only grabs onto the necklace her sister adorns in her neck, the key on the chain dangling.

She is taking her to her room. The room on the third floor. The one that they now keep locked and shut. 'You sit here in your room, Vi. Y/nie will be back with your bottle in a minute, alright. Don't move.'

She puts down her little sister on the carpet covered floor. She remembers clearly now, how it was time for Vi to feed. Her mother and father has been out all day to the city, Mira accompanying them as she was always glued to her mother's side.

So the seventeen year old Y/n has put down her sister to go down and get Vi's baby food and bottle of milk she prepared.


How foolish and idiotic.

Y/n should have never left her alone.

The innocent two years old child looks up at her older sister, tiny little baby hair put up into two sprouts on the top of her head. So small and defenceless.

Y/n was so busy squealing over her adorable little sister and kissing her cheeks that she completely missed the dark shadow that walks inside Vi's room from behind her.

She was so clueless that she didn't pick up the newly presence energy in the room, nor the rotten smell of meat that was slowly spreading across the four walls.

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