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It all felt fimilar, the same night, the same forest, the same warm breath hitting his neck and the same whimper that leaves his mate's shaking lips.

He had long sucks her dry of blood now, her eyes were now closed, chest halted as it only led to the only fact he refused to believe.

She's dead and he is her murderer.

He pulled her closer than before, sobs leaving his lips as tears fall down with a free flow from his eyes.

His whole body is numb and the only movement he feels is from his heart. It hurts so much, the pain being so unbearable that he started considering ramming his hand inside his chest and pulling out his heart, just so he could be relieved from the pain.

But he knew that he deserves it.

She had whispered his name. 'J-Jimin..stop..' And he has failed to listen.

And now all this was his fault. There was a reason as to why the moon goddess has gone against her natural cycle of gifting mates to the wolves when it comes to him, and he now know why.

He does not deserve a mate, not in the past, not now and not in the future.

His gaze lands on the hunched figure that had him accompany, both in same situation, both has blood dripping down their mouths, however, the animal that was in his true form didn't have good intentions.

The wolf continued to bare his sharp teeth at him, warning him about the situation that will soon acquire.

Sensing that, Jimin works to pull her flush against him, making them seem one with each other. His body contains no energy in him and he use the last source of his own warning for the wolf to stay away.

A dead glare that has any wolf and human trembling at their knees in front of him, but this certain wolf don't quiver away, being so used to seeing that glare all the time, it didn't effect him now as it used to back when they were young.

Jimin shuts his eyes close when his last attempt fail right in front of him and he fully surrender his submission.

If she's dead than what is left for him now? He prefer to die in her arms if he is going to loose his last breath anyways.

He hears the rough padding of paws and a growl ripples from the wolf had him shooting his eyes open to take in the scene before him.

He watch in disbelief as his own dream take a twist right in front of him. The light grey  wolf that hovered over him just a few seconds ago was now replaced with another male wolf.

A wolf he was also fimilar with. Dark fur shinning in the moon's provided light, the black wolf stood tall and proud in front of him. However, the friendly soft eyes of the wolf were taken over with hatred and jealousy, and all that was directed towards him.

Jimin gulps the lump that forms in his throats.



Sleep won't come to her. It fully refused to cuddle by her side and envelop her in its warmth. And same could be said about the male that laid wide eyed in the room across from hers, not after he had the dream he now slowly calls his nightmares.

In her side, she felt small and conscious. Her thoughts were eating her up, making her loose the confident walls she has so slowly and painfully build up around her.

She never knew some words could effect her so much, she thought she has left this behind her. But guess not. Guess she was still sensitive when it comes to her ancestors.

And than there was that fucking door that had followed her sight here too. It was never a problem back at home but seeing as it had been disturbed after the arrival of her brother and his friends and even now that she had witnessed its presence in Jimin's house, it is confirmed that it has something to do with him and maybe even Taehyung.

And on his side, nightmares seems to be the only thing sleep gifts him. For weeks he has the same two visions he has had in the Jung's house and they are appearing in his sleep all over again, that is until today when the third vision came and he knows this one is going to be here for a long while.

The shock of it has him frozen. The betrayal of his father one thing, even his friends are turning their back at him. He admits he had done some things to some of them that will surely turn into a competition or hatred but to the once he hadn't, what is their excuse?

This and other thought is about Y/n. His father has crossed the line today and no matter how much Jimin loves him, the thought of his mate's teary eyes had him bursting his anger out at his father.

He felt guilty and he wanted to apologize to her. Even when it was not his fault, he felt the need to do so, cause he knows, even if his father is counting his last breaths, he would not dare apologize.

His father won't acknowledge the fact that despite all the hurtful words, she had still decided to stay by his side. She could leave if she wanted to, even right now in the darkness of the night, but she still choose to keep her words she had said to him and decided to stay.

He truly didn't deserve her.

No one deserves her.


Her light footsteps sprint towards the source she was blindly looking for, her heart long picked up it's pace as she follows trail of the scent of the male she was searching for.

She wanted comfort, closure, just a little bit.

She turns the corner and her heels slows down as she finally finds the figure who's back was turned towards her. She gulps and starts her sprint again.

"Oppa!" She watch as the male turn his head around to check the fimilar voice that has called him.

His lips part at her fastly approaching form and he turn fully to examine if something was wrong. The expressions on the female's face reads helpless.

Just as he's about to opens his mouth to question, she comes crashing down at his figure. Her arms squeeze around his lean waist in a tight hold and her face hid itself in his chest.

"Y/n." The male mumbles, hand rising to rub the top of her head as he look down at her with confusion and worry.

"Just... lets stay like this for some seconds."


I wrote this last night but i guessed y'all will be sleeping so... here it is now.. many hours later keke😅😅

This comeback is so good though. I can't take my eyes off this man

 I can't take my eyes off this man

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Just look at him. So smooth so sexy ahh 😉🤑

Hope y'all like the chapter. Leave alot of love in your way.


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