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The next day when everyone woke up from their restless slumber, they found out Y/n was missing.

Hoseok's face read horror before he had ran off to the pack's guards, asking if they had heard something about the woman or seen her lingering around.

Coming back empty handed, the male than had decided to write to his parents, asking if she has reached home. It wasn't until Yoongi has reminded him of her words the other day to Mr. Park was then they all had started panicking.

Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok had immediately stepped up to look around the whole pack while the others has stayed in the alpha house to wait for the female if she turned up.

They had a feeling that the woman will come back. She wasn't fool enough to leave forever, especially when Jimin was in such a vulnerable condition... right?

Just as the three males has come back from their first search around the half area of the pack, disappointed in the lack of any signs and a bit worn off is when Hoseok has picked up her almost fading scent.

His head snaps up and he twist his body from where he is discussing the other areas with the males and towards the main door as it slowly creeks open.

His eyes widens, lips parting as he watch his dear sister stepped inside the house. Her limping and small figure even felt worn out when they gaze upon her.

Her hanging head slowly tilts up and her eyes instantly link with his, displaying the redness in them to all of the males.

She was still wearing the cloths she was wearing last night, but unlike yesterday when they were so clean and neatly ironed, now they were a bit wrinkled and their eyes automatically fell upon the red dots of crimson decorating the collars of her button up white shirt.

She racks a lazy hand through her already messy hair and her chin held a bit of the same smugged crimson liquid, as if she had fed from someone and roughly whipped the blood away afterwards with her hand.

But surely she hasn't been feeding on someone.

She has been out to do something else entirely, something they are slowly getting the idea of.

"..Where were you?" Hoseok voice whispers to her, body too paralyzed to move from its place.

Y/n blinks at him, no doubt dazed from the lack of sleep. Her dry lips part and she swipe her tongue over to moisten them up.

Her act showed more of her than she intended.

Her tongue was fully red with blood, confirming their thoughts.

"Wondering around.." She mumbles but they heard her.

Hoseok's fist clinches. "What were you doing wondering around?" This time, his voice came out firm.

He really wants to know what is bothering his little sister and most importantly, what did all those emotions made her do.

"Nothing important. It's already done." Y/n clears her throats and takes some steps towards them.

"We were worried sick." It was Jin who says this, brows furrowed as he had a hard time reading her.

Y/n's eyes flicker to his and her eyes narrow slightly. "I'm not a child. No one has to worry about me." Her words were pressed, showing her distaste at the thought of them babying her.

"We know." Jungkook speaks this time, eyes soft for the female. "But you weren't here since the morning and we thought that you le--" He immediately cuts himself and trials off when he realize what he was about to blurt.

Y/n stares back at him without blinking before realization slowly takes over her features. Her eyes trail over to all of the six grown men in disbelief and a breathy chuckle left her parched lips.

"You all thought i escaped."

The expression that passes the blank canvas of her eyes had them all wanting to step up and explain their sides of thoughts but the way anger also seems to tower over the sadness in her gaze had them speechless.

Guilt takes over them entirely and Y/n gulps down the lump that visibly starts to burn tears in her eyes.

She turns her attention to her brother, numbing him with the heartbreaking stare she pass him. "I'm not that heartless."

She takes a step back and turn away from them. A deep breath escapes her and she lets the disappointment surge through her as she slowly walks away.

"Y/n, listen.." Hoseok starts but trails off when he sees her raising a dismissing hand at him as she continues to walk away, shoulders slumped and head hung low.

Guilt-ridden, they study her leave silently, watching how she turn the left hallway where the nurse room was other than the right hall where her own room was.

Of course she will go to Jimin, even though he still hasn't woken up yet. In this moment, even the mer sight of him can console her more than enough.

"I'm sorry.." A whisper from the younger one has them ripping their attention from her and towards him, his eyes staring hard at the ground as his brows were furrowed deeply, no doubt killing himself from what he had said.

"..I'll go talk to her." Taehyung speaks, his eyes turning to stare out to her even when she has long turned to another hallway.

"I think we should give her some space."

Taehyung sighs at that. "She doesn't need space." He turns his head to his friends.

"It's time that she finally speaks." With that, he walks after where her feets has taken her, preparing himself for what will happened next from his actions.


I'm just gonna leave these here. Of course no offense to anyone. 😬😐


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