Lost key

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Footsteps makes them turn their head towards the slightly open door, watching as Y/n appears at the opening again.

She motions her hand for them to skip out of the room, a key dingling in one of her finger.

Looking around the room one last time, they do as they are told.

Y/n shuts the door and locks it with the key immediately.

Jimin who was standing next to her, furrow his brows. "Why are you locking it?"

"Someone died in there." Y/n speaks forwardly, making the males eye go wide.

"What?" Jin questions, caught off guards.

"What is there to hide? You'll find out anyway." Y/n turns to them and states out.

"I'll be better if you enter your rooms early. There are things here that are stronger than werewolves."

With that, she whips past them and turns the corner towards her room.

The future alpha and betas stand confused there, the words of the female lingering around their minds.

The silence hovering around them is cut of by a knock.

And followed by another.

They all turn towards the locked door.

Another knock voices out.

"How....?" Jungkook trails off, staring at the closed door which just has been knocked on.

This can't be real, right?

This just can't be.


The first thing Y/n does the next morning is to carry her steps towards the only culprit to get some answers.

However, the moment she enters through her sister's room, she forgets all her inquiries when she's faced with worry and panic that was plastered on Mira's face.

The soon to be grown woman jumps at the presence of her sister and hurriedly walks up to her, pushing the door of her room slightly to close it.

"Unnie!" She worries out, pulling Y/n towards her bed and whispers out. "I lost my key. I can't find it anywhere."

Y/n widens her eyes in disbelief. "What do you mean you lost it?"

Mira's eyes well up in tears and she felt her ears slowly turning red in fear. "I don't know. It was with me, right near my chest. But when i woke up, i couldn't feel the necklace around my neck."

Y/n breaths out in worry. "Did you search everywhere?"

The younger nods furiously. "Everywhere. Even inside that room."

The elder furrow her brows in confusion. "Inside the room? How did you get in?"

She remembers locking the door last night.

"It was open when i went there this morning. I even found Vi playing around there." Mira explains, recalling how she caught the little girl playing alone inside the room.

"No no no.." Y/n shakes her head, running a hand down her face.
"This can't be. I closed that damn door last night."

Mira frowns. "It was open when i went there.....Did you went in there?"

Y/n scowls. "I found Vi there. She was sleep walking last night."

Mira purse her lips. "Again..."

Y/n sighs, staring at her sister who seem to be too into her panic to think properly.

"You do know that key was given to you for a reason. How will papa react?"

Mira bits her nails. "I don't know... I'm so scared."

Y/n drops her shoulders, her mind in a chaotic mess as even she was blank at the moment to come up with an idea.

"Okay." She nods, grabbing a hold of Mira's shoulders. "Listen, I'll take care of that matter and look after the door. In the mean time, you search for the key."

Mira purse her lips, staring at her sister who tries to calm her down.

How did so much happened?

Her father gave her that key for a reason and she had done just what will make him disappointed.

Other than that, that room was best if it was locked away.

Not good memories was connected to it.

Mira nods, a tear falling down of her eye in both worry yet a little comfort that was provided by her sister.

"I have my own key with me, so I'll go lock it, hmm." Y/n racks a hand through her hair and sighs out.

That room has been locked for years. Not even Vi was lingering around it anymore.

How is this happening all of a sudden? Especially after the arrivals of the males in the house.

The key was always stuck to Mira. Her not finding it is just so confusing.

Moreover, this lost is also concerning.

That room has to be locked all the time and for that, her and Mira was to look after it.

The weight on Mira's shoulders was heavy and Y/n was just given the key in case of an emergency.

And since nothing like this ever happened, this situation was highly concerning.

And for some fact, Y/n may know who has the key.


This story is literally turning into a horror book but let me tell you all this straight, i have the whole plot planned out and in some scenes, y'all will feel like this is a horror book.

However, let me know about your thoughts.

Leave some love in your way.


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