From Where It Started

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"That is what I did. I took his mate."

Y/n's ears buzzed, the cold wind around her numbing her almost instantly and into her bones. She lost the constant thinking from her mind.

"What..." The words were left through open air, carrying no weight whatsoever.

The older man looks ahead and squeeze his eyes shut tightly. He could feel the disbelief leaving his daughter. This is exactly what he feared.

A minute passes by and Y/n stays silence, as if the shock had gotten to her. She couldn't even open her mouth to ask him why he did what he did.

Mr. Jung released a wavering breath and gulps. It's time that he speaks and lets it all out. "He didn't have a mate...."

Y/n stays small in her seat, not moving one bit as her eyes burn holes behind her father's head.

"He couldn't." He explains further. "The moon goddess gifted him with everything but a mate . We found out about it after we did the vows of our Beta and Alpha bond."

"He was devastated. Shut himself out and I didn't want to loose him, my only friend. So I promised to him what was dear to me..

"I hadn't met your mother at that time and I told him, whoever my mate was.. i'll sacrifice my bond with them and gift them to him."

Y/n's eyes widen behind him as he sniffs. "We agreed to it. We did so much to get where we wanted us to be. Dirtied our hands till we made it. In the end, I lost my mate and at last, she was his."

"At that time, I didn't have any regrets. I thought I did something big and good for my friend. I gave my bond of my soulmate more importance than the bond I had with my mate. He was happy. I was happy. We graduated the academy and came back to our pack again. This mountain where we both were born. Everything was fine."

"Until I met her. My mate. The one I gave away. I felt the bond the moment I laid eyes on her but she didn't feel mine, she felt his. He was happy, I had never seen him this happy before. That day I put a heavy rock inside my chest and accepted my fate."

"Everything was going well. We thought we got away. But in all this mess, we forgot about your mother." He chuckles dryly. "She was too smart and she noticed. I tried my best to avoid her but she kept coming back to me, asking me questions. I didn't know what to do. Every time our eyes met, I would pretend she didn't exist. And everytime she came to me, I had to lie to her. But as each day passed, I found it hard to do so. I started doing the things I was forbidden to do. I couldn't keep my thoughts away from her, she started plaguing my mind. I started thinking about her, betraying the trust my friend had on me."

He wipes his tears, head hanging low. "When I gave my mate away to him, I thought it would be easy. I just had to stay away. But what I didn't know was how strong my bond with her was. My goddess gifted us with such a strong bond and I sacrificed it without thinking twice. It was hard for me, but also for her. She was angry, seething at the thought of us doing what we did. He didn't know that she knew about me sacrificing her for him. And that is where it all started."

"I couldn't help myself. And after finding out, she couldn't too. My biggest regret to my friend was that I went behind his back. He trusted me but I did what he least expected from me. I fell in love with her. And she fell in love with me. We would meet in secret and slowly, we started gaining back the bond we felt for each other. We did so much and he didn't know... Or so that's what we thought."

"We were unaware that he was picking up on it. He was starting to look around and notice everything we did. I was always terrified at the thought of facing him if he found out . But I would dismiss it with the promise of being careful. It was hurtful. Coming to regret my decisions. He was happy and I was jealous of that happiness. The way he made her feel like she could ask for anything and he'd give it to her. And I bet he could. He was the alpha after all."

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