Worth His Tears

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Y/n ambles towards Mr. Park's chamber, less confused than curious. She was in the middle of preparing tonight's dinner with the chiefs when she was informed about Mr. Park's call.

He had asked for her. Mr. Park had asked for her to visit him in his room. A sigh left her when she thought of it as another one of his rants or him just rambling, but now as she walked closer and closer towards the door, she could pick up the presence of more people inside his room, one of which belonged to Jimin.

The blueberry scent still lingered on his skin even though it had been months since he had arrived from the academy. Upon questioning him once out of curiosity, he informed her with an amused chuckle that the academy was surrounded with blueberry trees and he liked to climb them up at night to pluck and eat them while gazing out at the world around him, thus resulting in him being saturated by the fruity scent.

Till this day, shivers still crawl down her spine when his scent hits her.

Once in front of the door, she rolls the tension from her shoulders and knocks lightly. The mumbling coming from inside comes to a halt as she twists open the knob.

Her eyes land on Jimin who sits next to his father's bed, his white button up shirt oversized and hair a little mess from where he had been resting. She instantly softens at his figure.

His wounds have healed enough for him to stand, and he took that as an advantage to come visit his father in his room once everyday. Y/n tried to convince him to rest more so he can heal quickly but the man was stubborn and wished to visit his father that he had missed so much.

What was she supposed to say when he was looking up at her with those wide, puppy eyes? Say no?

Now here he is, happy like a kid who got exactly what he wanted. The other men also invade the room, assuming they were called too.

Y/n might have an idea on what this is all about.

"May I?" She asks, voice low and soft. After receiving a nod from Jimin, she enters.

If glares could kill, she would be six feet under the ground by now. Mr. Park could be the alpha of the whole north pack but his anger was childish.

Her eyes met Jin's to get some answers but he came empty handed when he shrugs his shoulders, clueless himself.

"Mr. Park.." Y/n spoke out of respect, even though she felt the opposite for the man laying on the bed.

Mr. Park only answers back with a darkening glare of his own while his son sits stiff next to him, watching the exchange.

Y/n wished that he wasn’t aware of what happened outside the nursing room after he fainted. The outburst of his father would hurt him a lot.

"You killed some men outside the borders of my pack." Mr. Park spits his first words.

Everyone in the room tensed up when they finally understand what this is all about while Jimin’s plump lips part in confusion.

Y/n managed to keep a straight face when she felt the wave of confusion and anxiety that now started to come from Jimin.


She almost wince as his voice echo onside her head. It was a silence decision between them all to refrain from telling Jimin about what had happened after his blackout. But now here his father is, so much in the fire for revenge that he didn't care enough for his son.

"They hurt Jimin." Y/n spoke, voice void of any emotion. If this man wants to expose himself, then be it.

Jimin's frowns deepened further at her words. "Wait, what..?" His eyes glanced from his father to his female mate standing before them, then to his soulmate who stood with his back against the wall, his own brows furrowed.

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