Death's Fate

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Y/n runs, her legs fast as they take her down the hall that seemed to stretch and stretch. The thumping steps of the other men were synchronized behind her as she led them to where Jimin was.

Her heart squeezed in her chest in sorrow. She didn’t know what was happening. But the pain she felt radiating off of Jimin just down the hall gave her the slightest bit idea.

Finally, Mr. Park's chamber door comes into the view and she bursts in when she reaches it. Her steps immediately halt, breath getting stuck in her throat at the scene before her.

It felt like the ground had been w
iped from under her feet, forcing her to stumble inside the room. Lips parted and eyes wide, the whimper of a sob from inside that made the ears of her wolf perk up slams her right where her heart is.

Just there before her, Jimin wails. His hands are scrunching the bed sheet his father laid on and his head was buried on the mattress, shoulders shaking with each sob he let out. Her eyes trail over to Mr. Park and it hits her all at once.

He is gone..

His head lays straight on his pillow and his body is under the comfort of his blanket. His skin had gone pale and one of his hands is held tightly between Jimin's shaking palm.

The other men enter the room and their steps slow down as the horror washes over them all.

The alpha of the North mountain had really left.

It was like a wave that hit the heart of every citizen the very moment his soul escaped his body. The realization of their alpha gone. Not long, howls of agony echoed from everywhere around the pack, crying and wailing for the loss of a man who did so much for the pack.

Jimin slowly raised his head, his teary eyes meeting hers. "Y-Y/n.." He chokes, cheeks red and wet from crying.

"He's gone.." He shakes his head, tears streaming down his face. The howls of the werewolves outside makes him weep harder. "He's not waking up. W-Why is he not waking up?"

Y/n slowly approaches him, her legs feeling numb and eyes welling up in tears for him. "Jimin.."

"Y/n, please!" He pleads, in the haste of the pain for his father, he forgets the pain of his own injury and stretched his hands out for her to balance him, to comfort him, anything.

"Please do something. Please.." His tears were like waterfalls, trailing down his cheeks as he gripped his hands on her shirt tightly.

Y/n stared down at him with her mouth quivering and she sniffs. "I am so sorry, Jimin.."

He whines, head hiding in her stomach, his tears stain her shirt and his cries echo throughout the room as he held her tight against him.

Her arm comes to wrap around his shoulders, patting his back and rubbing him to comfort him for his loss.

The clock ticks for a few seconds before a large, warm hand rest itself on his neck and Y/n looks up to find Taehyung trying to console his friend. Next was Jungkook who crouched down to rub the small of his back and slowly all of his brothers surround him with his mate and try to lessen the pain of their dear friend.

Y/n trails her eyes over all the men to the man who laid respectful in his bed and she noticed the little tilt of a smile on Mr. Park's peaceful face.

A tear slips past her eye. He left with a smile on his face and his son by his side.


Everyone stayed up that night. The night sky was gloomy and dark and an odd shadowy musk surrounded the whole pack. The howls of the werewolves still lingering in the thick air.

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