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"It's alright, Jimin." Her gentle fingers curl around the sensitive skin of the back of his neck. "The boys are with you, i am here with you." Her voice had been soft and a whisper.

And then, she had leaned up and kissed his forehead.


Jimin blinks, shutting the lid of his laptop placed on his lap as he remembers the scene that acquired today thousands of times in his head.

He had felt so vulnerable in her arms, the emotion he hasn't felt in a while.

He could still feel the touch of her soft lips on his forehead. He remembers stumbling in on his room, dazed to the finest as her scent still lingers over his senses.

Even now, if he was to enlighten his wolf instincts, he would still smell her on him.

This made his heart flutter and the sudden urge to gaze upon her build up inside him.

He place his laptop on the nightstand, standing up in the process to walk towards the door.

He racks a hand through his damp hair before running the hand down his shirt to unfold the wrinkles.

He finally had the time to look out for himself after the arrival of the other males.

He had been so busy with his father and his pack that he had forgotten to change cloths and take a shower.

A blush shy his cheeks when he remembers that he had indeed greeted his friends and Y/n like this.

His fingers and toes curl, cringing at the thought of her inhaling the smell of his dirtied body.

'Oh my godess, please let it not be it'. He practically begs the one above.

Closing the door behind him, his eyes lands on the other in front of him.

He had decided to provide a room to Y/n that was just in front of his. Even with the great and strong shield of his father's pack, he could not risk her getting hurt.

Because she was continuously getting hurt in his dreams, not from the one who he thought would hurt her, not even from his enemies, but him.

Jimin himself was the one who was continuously hurting her.

He walks towards her closed door and before he could raise his knuckles to knock on the door, the door opened from inside itself, as if waiting for his arrival.

But the sight that greets him instantly tighten his throats, his blood pressure bubbling high.

Taehyung smiles at him from inside, lips smug as he tilt his head at him.

"See you later, Y/n." He speaks over his shoulders at the female who sits small on the edge of the bed before pushing past the future alpha and out of the room.

Jimin's eyes plant on her and he stays frozen in his place. He waits, wanting Taehyung's presences gone from the hallways and his smell away from his nostrils.

Once gone, he then lets himself enter the room, his eyes still lingering on her as he close the door behind her.

Y/n shifts in her seat, eyes not meeting his once as they were planted on the ground, as if deep in thoughts.

Her pretty eyes finally looks up at his form and he watch as her soft looking lips part.

She stands on her feets, a small smile welcoming her features when she study his well dressed and tidy self.

It had broken her heart when she saw him earlier this day, such a mess and a bundle of sadness and guilt.

"Hey." She greets, again in that voice she has whispered in his ear earlier and he can't help but greet back a soft 'Hi' full of shyness.

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