His property

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Splattering of her rushed footsteps flows the howling night, her heavy breathes mingling with the wind as her wolf form continues to zips through natures given resources.

Y/n don't want to slow down despite the urge being great.

How can she?

When knowing too well that the big wolf behind her starts picking up his speed, his scent uninvitingly filling her nostrils.

Uneasiness electrocutes her body when she sense it getting stronger by the second, and her hind legs jerks up to its limit.

If she could run any faster, then she would. With determination flaring her eyes, she pursue to dodge every bark, tree, every obstacles forming her way.

She can't get him near her.
She doesn't want him to reach her.

Y/n glance over her shoulder momentarily, oh how she wished she didnt.

Cause at that very moment, the second she lock gazes with his dark moon reflected eyes, she absentmindedly lower her speed.

A wave of chills slides through her spine as she takes in the masculinity of his wolf.

His fur's white as the bellowing snow, the beam of the moon cascading down the soothness of his hair, providing a pleasant illusion of turquoise dancing on the ends.

His front legs are strong as they bounce off the ground, reflexing when dropping hard on the moist soil.

Her conscious's left in a state of adoration at the species before her and her wolf purrs at that thought, that all of that, is hers.

A moment of silence invades her environment as her eyes stay glued to him.

She can't take them off, and slowly by slowly, the air around her stops brushing against her body when her legs comes to halt.

She's no longer in tact with her inner self that's reminding her what she's suppose to do.

She's suppose to run, but she can't.

Being able to see him with her very own eyes sends her jumping of a cliff,  providing her the unnecessary feeling of euphoria.

He is beautiful.

She's still staring at him, like a deer caught in a headlight. She's stuck in between mixed emotions and the faint memory of having to run away.

She doesn't even notice his presence inching closer to where she's left hanging.

His wolf emerges from the bliss of darkness, leaves rushing along his fur as he makes his entrance, the light beaming from the moon working like a spotlight as they trickle down his figure.

His eyes stay glued with her's when he nears her, and before she's even able to comprehend everything and eventually make a run for it, he rubs himself on her.

Y/n can only hold in a breath as her muscle tenses to his touch. Feeling him a few feet away already made her frenzy, but now that he's this close?

She feel like her paws' about to give way.

He continues to nuzzle his snout against the crook of her neck before trailing up to her ear, his tongue flicking softly on the edge.

She can only stay stiff when he moves to her other side, feeling his big body brushing against her own.

Eventually, her wolf starts to relax to his soothing gesture, and she frown.

Just because she seems okey in the outside, it doesn't mean she's not in a state of havoc in the inside.

An endless wave of worry and anxiety schemes through her veins when a truck of realization hits her hard.

She know what he's doing now. Why didn't she notice this sooner?

Every wolf's aware of the meaning behind this act and she always despised it.

She try to take a step back, but freeze when a low growl escapes the depths of his throat.

So, she just stay still and let him do it.

He's rubbing his scent on her, making sure everyone knows that she belongs to him and no one less.

Like every other werewolves out there, despite the different ranks.

She knows what he was doing and she gulp dryly.

He was marking his property.


If Jimin was really to be a wolf, I would have fainted by now.

Though I will never get to meet him since he'll be off to a pack, living inbetween a forest and not be an idol.

However, thank you all so much for the support and concern you all have shown in my state on sickness. I am feeling alot better now after being needled five times yesterday.

Leave some love in your way please!


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