Him, A Nightmare And It's Cure

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Her body springs up the mattress, eyes forcefully stretching open to end the struggle of yet another nightmare. She is breathing heavily, head spinning and eyes red with fear and tears.

She shakes in her place, feeling her whole figure wet with sweats as an unusual coldness sits inside the room. Her hands comes up to fist the strands of her hair tightly as she is close to bursting. A soft sob escape the chapped barrier of her lips and tears fall freely down her eyes.

She shuts them tightly as her heart squeeze painfully in her chest. She cries while she sits curled to herself. This had been happening for days. Ever since the first one she had that night where she ran out of the room, they haven't given her any rest after that.

All she sees are the flashing of images behind her close eyes even when she rests them for a little nap. She hasn't slept for days and it is getting more and more unbearable and noticeable. Her distant eyes and the bag underneath are the star of her face these days.

She is lost in her tears, heartbreaking sobs silently crying for help. Anyone who can take her out of this mystery. She can't help it. She has been running from that part of her memory for years. And now it comes hunting her at nights, when she is vulnerable and unaware.

The cold in the room increases as she feels her sweat drying up. She shivers but doesn't mind it as she continues to cry. She keeps her voice low, aware even in a vulnerable moment like this to not wake up Jimin into worries. He has been working hard for his pack and must be really tired right now.

An eerie inhale escape from the corner of her room.

She stills in her bed.

Her door is locked. Her windows are shut. And there is no one else but her in the room.

She hesitantly pulls her hands away from her over-rubbed swollen eyes and tilt her head to the dark corner.

She blinks her blurry vision. There is a fog lining her room, especially the corner. She gulps. It's so dark that she can't see anything there, it's almost like there is no one there and she just misheard.

A giggle escapes the corner.

All the little hair in her body stands up on goosebumps. Cries now dead in her throat, her heart drums in her chest for a complete different reason now.

She rubs her eyes harshly to wipe the line of tears away to clear her vision as she pushes herself back towards the headboard.

There is no doubt something is lingering there. And the moment the fog clears a bit, she sees it.

A horrified gasp escapes her parched throat and she hurriedly moves away and get of the bed and like a few nights ago, the nightmares have her running out the door.

Except this time, she feels them follow right behind her.

Her first instinct so to barge into Jimin's room located right opposite of hers. It's unlocked and the doorknob slips her fingers as she frantically looks for the figure that is warmer than anything in this cold world.

She finds it empty, no sight of Jimin in any corner of the room. He is not here. She pushes herself back from the room and quickly run down the hall.

No wonder he didn't come barging into her at the sounds of her sob. He is way far away from her.

So she takes her legs to him. She feels her tears wiping past her eyes and bites her lips harshly to stop the full breakdown that is about to scream itself out to the whole house.

Her wet lashes flutter against each other as she tries to take the image that she just saw out of her brain.

An image of a disabled and abnormal figure.

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