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After hitting the male in the head for yelling out such thing, the pout on his face only grows more when he explained why it was rather shocking to him.

Y/n felt guilty, and at the same time wanted to just shove a sock inside his mouth.

He kept pointing out the stuffs he noticed getting wider and bigger.

Y/n practically had to smack his hand away when he started tracing the outline of her waist only to later claim that she have got a 'good curve'.

She don't blame him though. She was still thirteen when he left for Alpha training and she pretty much agree that her body structure did change from a chubby little preteen to a somewhat normal size one.

He's changed as well.

Hoseok grew a few more inches, his features did sharpen to a whole new level and judging by the way he was crushing her a while ago, shows to prove that beneath his dark attire, which consisted of a sweatshirt partnered with his tight jeans and converse, there are muscles just waiting to be exposed and flexed.

Y/n cringe at the thought.

She don't want to see that. She'll barf honestly.

Just like how he did it with her, Hoseok lifts Vi up in his embrace and spins her around. The sight truly's heartwarming and despite the judging face created by Mira, Y/n know that she's feeling it too as Vi's cute laughters mingling with his raspy deep one.

"Now all my children are here!" Their mother chimes out of nowhere before running up to engulf her first born into a bear crushing hug, the youngest refusing to let go of his neck even when their dad tries to take her.

"No!" Vi shrieks. "I'm staying with oppa!" Y/n let out a laugh when her dad pulls out a bar of Snickers from his pocket in attempts to bribe the youngest girl sticking to Hoseok like glue, who's so happens to be busy talking to their mom to even notice the deal created by their dad.

Vi excitedly accepts it and immediately detaches herself.

"The movie's starting in a few minutes by the way." The elder male of the family announce and Y/n playfully salute at that.

"We'll be there."

"Ah Y/n, Mira! There's people I want you to meet." Before the two could even protest, Hoseok's already grabbed a hold of Y/n's wrists, immediately dragging her figures at the corner of the massive yard.

Though dark, she's able to spot a few males standing underneath the tree her great grand father planted.

As they neared the place, a waft of blueberry suddenly fills Y/n's senses and her wolf decides to wake up from her deep slumber to shake her fur.

Y/n feels her wolf urging her to fasten her pace, as if Hoseok's tempo wasn't fast enough, towards the undyingly alluring scent and the back of her hair stands.

Then, she purrs.

Y/n bite her lip, moving her eyes to look at the ground.

She knows that scent.

"Guys!" Hoseok's cheerful voice calls out and Y/n soon come to a stop, the male's hand leaving hers.

She don't look up. She'll never look up.

Her brother's completely oblivious at the feeling surging her body.

Y/n shift uncomfortably in her spot, still refusing to look up.

She can feel his gaze planted on her. It's strong and she flinch when Hoseok suddenly nudges her arm.

She shouldn't feel intimidated.

This is normal for all werewolves.

So, with an uneasy heart, she inhale a deep breath, and look up.

Almost instantly, she lock gazes with a pair of beautiful ebony eyes, the moonlight piercing through the leaves, cascading down on him like an enchantment highlighting his eyes, nose, lips and then down to his perfectly chiseled jaw.

Y/n look away first, gulping dryly.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Mira, and Y/-"

And that's when they hear it.

Y/n's mind fumbles uncontrollably and she slowly take a step back.

He gets abruptly cut off by a low growl, and everyone adverts their attention towards the wolf claiming what belongs to them.



I have a drip attached to my hand and I just came from the hospital but I'm still updating.

Idek what's wrong with me!

I have so many stories piled up to update and I'm here lazy to even edit the parts.

Once again, thank you so much for 2k in Perfect Mistake and Chief's order.

Leave some love in your way.


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