I'm Your Filter

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The chamber was in sleeping silence. Room dark and walls scared, no moonlight was seeping through the windows as they were closed shut. A place with no sound and searching eyes, she felt secured and protected.

The four walls of her room where she was allowed to let all the pressed emotions out, she sat on her mattress weeping for her mate. The man who apologizes and feels. He was an emotion indeed. Mr. Park was so right about his son.

No one deserves him. The world don't even deserve the sight of Park Jimin, nor do they deserve to know he exists.

She sniffs, wiping away the tears she's spilled when she hears the hesitant steps approaching the hallway towards her door. It's him. A smile escapes her like a breath. She ended up worrying them after all.

So she sits up straight and pats her face dry. Racking a hand through her hair to settle them down as he gets closer. She stands up, following the pats of his soul towards the door. The door lock moves lightly as both her hand from the inside and his from the outside land on the doorknob together.

Her heart flutters. She stares down at the knob, realizing that he wants her to make the first move and open the door when she is ready. She throws her head back in pure devastation towards him.

"No.. Why do you have to be this way...?" She mumbles to herself, endeared but in pain at his gentle behavior.

"I don't know. I just want to be close to you.." Her ears perk up at his whispered answer from outside.

He heard her..

Her hand automatically moves and opens the door of her room. Her breath gets caught in her throat at the sight of him standing small on her door, gentle eyes worried and pretty plump lips turning into a pout.

She completely melts. "I'm sorry.."

He stares at her with eyes filled with emotions. "It's not your fault."

Her mouth quivers down, doe eyes welling up in tears. She shakes her head. "I'm s-sorry.. I am so sorry-" All while approaching him, he stares down at her in adoration when she jumps at him and hugs him tightly by circling her arms around his abdomen.

Jimin's arms instantly wrap around her waist and he hugs her close to his chest. Her head is buried in his chest, just where his heart is in sync with hers. Her body shakes as she cries and he can do nothing but listen to her breakdown in front of him for the first time.

Y/n has no idea if he knows what she is sorry about. She doubts he knows, or maybe he does. Whatever it is, she doesn't know how she will look him in the eye. It's just so painful. And that causes her to sob more against him.

His hand immediately comes up behind her neck to secure her head as his chin rests on the crown of her head and he rocks her side to side, cooing at her. "Shh, it's alright. Everything is okay."

He can feel her barley hanging on, her palms clenching his shirt with tiny fists behind him as she whines against him. So he lets her lean on him and she cries everything out. Whatever she's been feeling and seeing, he knew all of this was new to her. Having to feel his pain and listen to his not so hopeful thoughts from her room at night when he lays in his bed.

He himself hadn't healed yet. The death of his father had left a huge toll on him. It will take him time to heal properly and he wants her to be by his side. And for that, he has to take things slowly. Take the time to understand her. Give her a shoulder to cry on so that they both can heal together.

He feels her let go of her own body fully and his first instinct is to hug her closer before leaning his head next to her ear where he whispers. "Jump, little wolf."

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